"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
How long is a typical reading?
I have yet to have a reading that is less than an hour, or more than 3, so the average is about 1.5-2 hours. There is no way of telling how much information the other side will come through with, which is why I changed my rate structure to be open-ended, as the spirit world does not acknowledge our concept of time and space. I want each of my clients to get the most they can from their reading and not feel restricted by time.
Is a phone reading the same or as accurate as an in person reading? If so, how can that be?
Yes, actually in many ways a phone reading is preferred by many. You and I both can be in our own personal spaces where we're comfortable, avoiding traffic and other hassles. Also, there can be no doubt that the reading is tainted by the Medium reading your body language etc. As I said above, the spirit world is not restricted by time and space, so it is possible for them to connect with you and I both simultaneously, in different places. Additionally, a phone reading allows you the option of having your session recorded as well. Ultimately, it is up to you to choose which is more meaningful to you, based on your needs and preferences, as I am happy to schedule in person readings, and love to meet people personally.
Can you contact more than one person?
Yes, I can, the goal for a Medium is to separate the energies and their messages. I feel that you receive the most complete messages if we focus on the primary few that you wish to connect with, as sometimes with too many, their messages can become abbreviated if they are vying for time, or one energy can overshadow a more quiet energy. They realize that for them as well as for me, time is of the essence, as we all have only so much energy for a given session, and some can be pushier than others. I recommend that if there are several you really need to connect with, tobreak it up into different sessions, to get the most from each being. Also, there is only so much you can absorb, knowing this, they may limit their messages.
Can one reading really help, or will I need more to get results?
For most people, 1 reading really does help, and makes a lasting difference. Unless, as I mentioned above, there are several beings you wish to connect with. Also, if you are interested in connecting with your Spirit Guides as well as your loved ones, I like to schedule separate sessions for this. Sometimes your Guides will come through during a normal reading, but most of the time, they want your complete attention. The process to connect with these types of beings is different, so I prefer to do them separately.
Can I ask questions during the reading?
Yes you may. I actually welcome questions after I have shared with you the preliminary information that I have received. I only ask that if I am conveying their messages, please don't interrupt me, and make a note to go back to later. Often, if I am interrupted they go on without me, so it's important that I keep up. This is especially true with Spirit Guides, as they operate from a higher level, and share a lot of information very quickly. I only ask that your question's intention in not to “test” me or prove to yourself that the process is real. It's disrespectful to both your loved one and I, and is a lack of faith in the process which blocks the energy and the process. You will not get the best reading possible until you are more open , and should wait until then to seek a reading.
I’ve heard that Mediums can’t stay connected for very long, how long can you do a reading?
I have been able to do readings for several hours, it just depends on how long the information keeps flowing, and when I get tired. They seem to be able to tell when I need to be done, and will usually begin pulling away when they feel my energy has dropped. I have not had a reading that is less than 1 ½ hour, and sometimes they can last as long as 3 hours.
If I live overseas can you still do a reading for me?
Yes, we will just need to keep in mind time differences when scheduling your session. Also, you will be calling a telephone number in the US, so just keep this in mind.
Should I take notes during my reading? (benefits of notes vs. recording)
You may take notes, or for telephone readings choose to have it recorded. You can also record your in person session yourself, although sometimes their energy can interfere with electronics and it will not work. The benefit of recording versus notes is that it allows you to focus more on what you are hearing that what you are trying to remember to write.
Will you remember the details of my reading if I forget?
I will not likely remember the details of your reading. Being looked after as I am from the other side, I believe that they know I can not possibly carry the weight of all the emotions and information that is shared in my sessions, without it affecting my well being. This why taking notes or recording your session is advisable for your future reference.
How much information should I share when I contact you?
Every Medium operates differently, some want nothing, some want more. I personally want only the name of those you wish to contact. If you give too much, it can interfere with you feeling that the messages and validations are authentic, that it is indeed your loved one. It also helps me to remain objective and keep the messages flowing, and to know that the messages are coming from “them” and not my mind inserting information that you have previously shared. During your reading, I may ask "Does this make sense? Do you understand the information?" that's when I appreciate validation to know that I am on the right track.
Why do most Psychic Mediums say to come to a reading with no expectations?
For many reasons.. It's important to enter your reading with an open mind and no expectations, being grateful for whatever they choose to come through with. I realize this is easier said than done, but is very important if you want to really hear their messages and validations, leaving you with a sense of peace and satisfaction. It is disappointing for all concerned, if you approach your reading thinking that “if it is really them” that they will come through with specific pieces of information, and if they don't, you discount all the other validations that they did choose to come through with. Many times they will come through with those expected messages, but other times they come through with other, equally meaningful validations. In any case, it's to your benefit to remain open to anything. If you aren't, it blocks the natural flow of energy, and can interfere with their efforts as well as mine. None of us understands the reasons why who comes through, when they do, in the way they do. If you really want to connect with The Other Side, you have to let that human part of your thinking go, at least for the duration of your reading, it will also enable you to be more open for future experiences of your own, if you learn to do this in your everyday life. Also, they have “free will” just as we do, so expecting them to “prove” anything to you and having expectations about what you think they should say, (or who should come through) is disrespectful on your part. Just as with God, when connecting with the spiritual realm, your ability to have a certain level of “blind faith” is necessary and beneficial.
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- My Story | United States | Light Beyond the Veil.com
Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL Spiritual Healing with Aliya Love IS Stronger than Death My Story All of my life I have been strongly aware of my connection to spirit, to my "knowing" as I call it, my memory of where I came from, to my closeness with God. As a small child I "knew" things that it seemed other people only wondered about, or were never even aware of. In retrospect, remembering my childhood and the feelings and experiences that I had, it's all very clear to me now what I was feeling then, and why... I am a Psychic Medium. I have been very fortunate that I have never felt confused or ashamed by what I felt or experienced; I never have felt like I had to deny my true self by ignoring my abilities. Because of this, I have known, learned from and loved, many great spiritual teachers along the way. I have honored my abilities and my "knowing", which have blossomed over time, by trusting them and my life's journey. I consistently choose my spiritual path, over the illusion that is laid out before me. I treasure and celebrate my gifts, and remembering that they come from my oneness to God, I can not forsake the opportunity to help others. My experiences began as an adolescent at our family cabin in Estes Park, Colorado. To start with, Estes Park, for any of you who are unfamiliar with it, is a very powerful place, with a strong energy bond to spirit. My great, great, grandfather built a family cabin there in 1908, which has been loved and used generation after generation. Now that many of our loved ones have passed on to the other side, they are still a strong, guiding, loving force for us there. It is where I was brought to the conscious realization about my gift as a Psychic Medium. I had to learn how to not absorb energy all the time. I had to effectively learn when to use my gifts and how, and how to shield myself from outside forces. I have always taken the responsibility and trust placed in me very seriously when someone reaches out to me for a reading. I know now more than ever ever, how vulnerable and raw a grieving person can be and how important it is to be very mindful and sensitive with how you share messages with them. I worked in the health care field for 20 years, working with the elderly, my favorite work being Hospice care. I felt that so many people come into this world in joy, and leave it in a state of fear. That is simply not the way it should be. I knew that because of my connection to spirit, I could be with people as they were preparing to pass to The Other Side, to help make that passage full of love, and not fear, by helping them and their families embrace the experience, to know that it wasn't an ending, but the most beautiful of beginnings. This knowledge does not discount the pain of losing a loved one, but it does provide hope and consolation. As a Hospice volunteer, I worked with those in bereavement, and on all other levels of care. I have also worked as a 911 dispatcher, so I have experience with all stages of tragedy and loss from the family's perspective. In addition to my own personality, these experiences have given me the ability to compassionately communicate with, and help those in emotional distress. It is because of these experiences with the elderly and the dying, as well as my support of, and connection to their families, that I am able to offer a unique perspective as a Psychic Medium regarding death, the grieving process, and those who have been left behind, enabling me to provide a calming reading, even if you are in a great deal of pain. I am profoundly blessed to now live in our family cabin in wonderous Estes Park, Colorado with my family and pets. I enjoy the outdoors, nature, animals, music, cooking, ethnic dining, watercolor painting, alternative healing, antiques, gardening, writing poetry, reading, art... Grief is the last act of Love we have to give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love. My Story Continues... Grief has become a very personal, daily journey for me, as I lost my husband Freddie to suicide on December 5, 2017. I have lost many people in my life, but never was the grief been as profoundly debilitating as that was. As many of you can probably relate, it caused me to re-evaluate my purpose and my life continuing on without him. In some ways, I found comfort in being able to help others connect to their loved ones, in other ways, it was profoundly difficult to be in such a raw state myself, while sharing in the grief of others. The irony of it all, is that for a Medium, it can be very difficult to communicate with your own loved ones. Consequently, I very much understand the spiraling thoughts of grief and missing your loved one. My marriage with Freddie was fraught with heartache and difficulty, as h e was an addict. I had much damage to heal, from both the loss and the hardships we endured. It was a very disconcerting feeling for me to not have a vision for my future. I didn't know what my future had in store for me, so with faith, I allowed myself to be led in the directions that were meant for me. Within 3 months prior to losing Freddie, I lost 3 close friends, then Freddie, his father, my step-mother my father, a few more friends and 2 very special pets, all within a period of 2 years, as well as several since then. I recognize the choice I have to grow and not be withered by loss and difficulty, as time shows us the affect it can have on both the body and psyche. Every day I choose to do the best I can to take care of myself and find joy, knowing in my heart that my loved ones are always with me, regardless of what tricks my mind plays on me. The memories of them can be so difficult, and yet not having memories, would be unbearable. I am strong enough to do this with grace, and so are you... The Next Chapter.. Although there was a time I thought I would never marry again, in 2019 I was blessed to meet a wonderful man, Carl, that loved and adored me. For the firs t time in my life, I was content with being alone, but God had othe r plans and sent me the man that I always deserved. Hindsight has taught m e how each step leads to the next. Although painful, everything I went through, has tau ght me about my own worthiness. I deserve love, joy, peace and prosperity. EACH of us does. Healing our old wounds, having faith and welcoming growth, blesses us beyond belief. Our ability to love i s endles s; loving one person, doesn't mean your love is used up. One love doesn't invalidate another love. God brought us into one another's lives when the time was right. Life, love and death are such bittersweet experiences. When I first lost Freddie, I couldn't imagine what my future would be. But time has shown me the peace to be found in letting go and being open. With time, I have been able to see that things truly do work out as they're meant to. Freddie and I have both been freed of our pain, to find our peace. "We honor our deceased loved ones by living well. If we spend our lives never allowing ourselves happiness, we are wasting what they lost.." "Those who have suffered, understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." Patti Smith Carl, Always My Angel... I was blessed to have Carl as my Husband & Angel for 4 years, before he was called home i n January of 2023 after a short, but valiant battle with pancreatic cancer. He was everything to me, and words just simply cannot express the level of loss and gratitude that I feel simultaneously, while enduring such an enormous loss. Now, a year and a half later, as I write this, I realize so many things that are hard to put into words. But I can say, that life and love are delicate gifts that are to be treasured every day, without hesitation. Carl taught me so many things, and showed me that I was worthy of being cherished and loved, and not to waste a moment enjoying or sharing or appreciating the time we are given together, no matter how limited that time may sometimes be.. So then how is it, that when this life presents us with so many challenges and losses, we continue to not only live , but live our best life, both our human life and that as a spirit? For me, it was the moment I realized that I had a very distinct choice, which was just over a month after his passing, on my birthday: I could give up and die, OR I could remember what my departed loved ones would want me to do, and what I came here to do- LIVE! Having said that, it has been monumentally hard, and can still be very difficult. FULL CIRCLE I have been blessed yet again, to have been brought the love of an amazing man, Matt, which is no coincidence; I know that Carl didn't want me alone, and he wasn't done watching over me. Having someone with me that loves me and helps me navigate life, while experiencing new ways to find joy, has been nothing less than divine grace. The roles that people play in our lives, continues to be revealed to us as we heal, grow and do our spirits work. My relationship with Matt, is a culmination of a lifetime of healing, growth, discovery & Love. I am grateful for the life of Peace & Love that we are building together. Every day is a new day, with new choices to choose Life & Love! "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain." ~Emily Dickinson
- LightBeyondTheVeil Psychic Medium readings connect United States
Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL Spiritual Healing with Aliya Love IS Stronger than Death Services Death is the opening of a more subtle life. In the flower, it sets free the perfume; In the chrysalis, the butterfly; In man, the soul. Welcome, my name is Aliya, I am a Psychic Medium and Spiritual Consultant, I look forward to getting to know you and help you connect with your Loved Ones on The Other Side, as well as Your Spirit Guides t o help y ou better understand your spiritual journey here on earth. Your Spirit Guides and Angels want only the best for you, desiring you to fulfill your destiny, and are very cooperative in offering instruction and direction to assist you in leading your most productive, useful and happy li fe. Your Spirit Guides help with life direction, finding your purpose and joy through trauma healing and putting your childhood, past relationships and life struggles etc. into a healthier perspective so that you can move forward and live the healthy, happy life you came here to experience. When we are out of alignment with our spirit and our spiritual purpose, we experience a body, mind and spirit that is out of balance. For many, this manifests in depression, anxiety, anger, addiction, confusion, as well as multiple physical/mental ailments and diseases. At the very least, this disharmony is not conducive to leading the joyful, balanced life and meaningful relationships with yourself and others that you are here for. When we find ourselves having unhealthy, toxic relationships with others as well as ourselves, it is a sign that we are not on our highest spiritual path. Living in joy and balance is possible, but it is your choice as to when you begin to do the work and claim your blessings. I pray daily that whoever needs the help that I can provide, are brought to me. So know that if you are here, it is not a coincidence. I am available for one time Spirit Guide sessions, as well as ongoing sessio ns to help with all the challenges mentioned above, and also *shadow side work. Committing to your spiritual growth is a lifetime process, which at times can feel overwhelming and confusing. There are times when we wonder what our greater spiritual purpose is, we experience difficulties with balancing our human struggle s with our spiritual self. Taking leaps of faith is made easier when we receive spiritual guidance, having someone to add clarity to our difficulties, helps us to find our light . *Shadow work is a process of inner alchemy in which you bring unwanted parts to the surface to purify, heal, and integrate into yourself. Your shadow isn’t something to be ashamed of or something to fear. It points to where you hav e work to do loving and accepting all parts of yourself for greater balance. There is Light Beyond The Veil; Your loved ones and Spirit Guide s are there, and are eager to communicate with you. A session with me can provide you with the opportunity to have interactive communication with The Other Side. I have been able to help many people cope with life challenges, trauma healing, childhood emotional wounds, as well as the grief of losing a loved one, by sharing messages and affirmations with them, which have changed their lives in multiple, positive ways. Knowing that our loved ones are not only happy and well, but they are still watching over us, sharing both our joys and sorrows, helps us to transition into a more peaceful and less painful place in our lives. Often times we have unfinished business with our loved ones, being able to have closure in these areas, allows us to gain peace of mind and focus on the loving aspects of our relationship with them. It has been validated through countless sessions, that those who have cros sed over bring their loved ones to me so that they can connect with them. Once you find peace, it will be easier for you to sense your loved ones and Spirit Guides presence. By working together I can help you to better understand the process, as well as validate that you too may have already felt their presence, and have been receiving their guidance and messages without being aware of it. I want to extend a heart-felt thank you to all of my wonderful clients who have kindly referred their friends and family to me! Your enthusiastic referrals and the gift of your words in your testimonials, are the highest compliment a person can receive! Each of you, your loved ones, and your stories, continue to hold a special place in my heart. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet wonderful new people, and help them connect to The Other Side's gift of loving, healing energy. I am grateful for any opportunity to grow and learn through connecting with The Other Side, as each time brings me closer to God's light as well. “Aliya is incredible at what she does. She has worked with me for months now on a certain issue involving the Heart. So far, we have had several meetings where she works with my Spirit Guides to convey messages that will help me on my next step in moving through this current ‘issue’. If I am at a block, or standstill, she will give me a message from my guides that will assist me in moving forward. She is patient, kind, compassionate, caring, truly Loves what she does & is there to help when you need her the most. I originally went to her thinking she mainly works with Loved ones on the ‘other side’ but quickly after speaking with her, learned she is an incredible medium/reader for the life ‘issues’ currently unfolding in my life & has tapped into my guides for guidance as to what to do & where help/growth is needed to assist me in manifesting my Hearts desires. The unfolding of working with her has been beautiful & I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with her.” "You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." ~ C.S. Lewis Different types of Psychic Practitioners Because I am a Psychic Medium, any advice, prophecy, or predictions, come directly from the spiritual world of God, either from your Loved Ones, Angels or Spirit Guides. Even though we are called "Psychic Mediums" there is a di ffe rence between a Psychic reading and a Psychic Medium reading. There is a phrase used that describes the difference well: "All Psychic Mediums are Psychics, but not all Psychics are Mediums," meaning that a Psychic Medium specializes in communicating with The Other Sid e, and when you want to connect with The Other Side, you should consult with a Psychic Medium, not an astrologer, tarot card reader etc. just as you would not see a dermatologist for heart surgery. Most reputable Mediums may not be available immediately or be low priced, however you want to be sure you select the correct type of psychic if you are wising to contact your loved ones , one who has the experience and sensitivity required when supporting those who are grieving, as not all Mediums possess these skills. It is better to wait and get what you need, trusting in the timing of things, than to push it and waste not only your time and money, but put yourself in the position of being misled or compromised emotionally. My point is, it is worth your wait, to find someone you feel good about, one who has a solid reputation and client recommendations. It is also VERY important when working with The Other Side, in any context, that whoever is guiding you, works within the safety of the light of God, so one should be mindful of this as well when selecting a practitioner. "My feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping, but I shall go on living." ~Pablo Neruda
- Understanding Grief | United States | Light Beyond the Veil.com
Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL Spiritual Healing with Aliya "Death ends a life, not a relationship." ~ Mitch Albom , Understanding Grief There are many reasons to cope with your grief and confront unresolved issues that you may have regarding the loss of someone special. It can affect your life on so many different levels, from your physical health, mental well-being, your ability to cope with life's responsibilities, to your ability to maintain healthy relationships with others. Here you can read an article I have written, regarding the hopelessness associated with grief, and the different things people do to try to manage it. So often when you have lost a loved one, it seems impossible to keep spiritual principles intact, even if you felt you had a firm grip on them before your loved one passed on. Some may experience feelings of anger, depression, guilt, sadness, regret, among other individual feelings based on their own unique sense of loss. You have heard countless times before that these feelings are all part of the normal grieving process, and while you know this is true, the knowledge of it may not make you feel any better. Sometimes this process seems to go on forever, or just when you think you're doing better, something comes out of the blue and catches you off guard, making you feel as if you are back at the beginning of it all. It seems that after the initial loss, when others were (or perhaps were not) around to offer their support, suddenly you find yourself alone, as if you're being told "OK, now it's time to move on." You want to cry, but instead smile, until you are alone, as everything reminds you of them. This transitional period can sometimes make it difficult to reach out for continued support, because some people may feel ashamed that they are still having difficulties and are still in need of that support. Whether the person you have lost was taken unexpectedly, or it was a death we thought we were "ready for," you find out you are never ready for the loss of someone special, whatever the circumstance. Your life changes, you miss them, you want them back, and nothing seems to soothe these feelings. Even if because of your spiritual principles, you think they are still among us, or doing well in the hereafter, you may berate yourself for not being able to find comfort in this. You may also admonish yourself inwardly because now, on top of everything else, you feel a sense of shame that if you "really spiritually believed," you would not be having these feelings. So now you feel guilt at possibly lacking faith as well. Grief does not change you. It reveals you. Some people become angry at God for taking their loved one, "before their time," again causing a perceived separation from God, who until now, has been a foundation. Other people in your life may begin to feel helpless because they may no longer know what to do for you, and they may quietly withdraw. In some ways, the loss of a loved one can begin to feel like you have lost even more, including the support of your family, friends, and a separation from whatever your spiritual faith has been. Some of your feelings may be based on wondering if you did enough (or too much in some cases), if they are doing OK, and what really happened to them when they passed on. Do they see you now? Do they know how much you love them; How much you miss them? Were they in pain? The questions seem endless. You want to have faith, so you tell yourself that what you think you have believed all of your life is true, that they "live on" in heaven or some similar "good" place, and are still watching over you. But still you doubt, you want to KNOW. One of the biggest "catches" to spirituality is that it is based on believing, on faith. But it is a different kind of belief, not a belief in something we have been conditioned to think or feel. It is an inner knowing, our soul's memory of what really is, and sometimes when you are out of balance, it is hard to remember what your soul truly knows. This is why, sometimes even after grief counseling, we still have the same feelings and questions, because often times it does not deal with the spiritual side of life. It does not answer questions, but seems to only be asking more questions. Questions about your feelings, questions about your reality, so you feel it has fallen short of allaying your fears and giving you the real answers you're seeking. Often times you may seek the advice of your clergy, and again find that the answers are so generalized, and not specific to your loved one (which you blame yourself for being focused on), that it fails to give you the real peace you are seeking. So what do you do when you feel hopeless, and your feelings seem to go on forever? When all of the talking, crying, love, praying, time, and counseling does not make you feel any better? Ultimately there IS a way to know what has become of your loved one. I am going to bring up a subject that may be unknown to you, or may make a few of you uncomfortable, but please give me the benefit of the doubt, and read on with an open mind. A reading with a Psychic Medium (someone who can communicate with "The Other Side") can be a very powerful experience on your journey of healing. A Psychic Medium is someone who can ask your loved one the questions you have had, and can finally give the answers you have been seeking. A Psychic Medium is someone who can tell you that your loved one is well, and convey to you what your loved one has been witness to from The Other Side. A Psychic Medium can convey your loved ones message that it is ok to move on without guilt, that moving on does not mean you are moving away, or don't love them (you don't have to prove your love through your grief). Psychic Mediums have helped thousands of people cope with the grief of losing a loved one, by sharing their beloved's unique and definitive messages and affirmations with them. These messages have literally changed those lives forever in multiple, positive ways. Knowing that our loved ones are not only happy and well, but are also still with us, sharing both our joys and sorrows, that they are watching over us and are able to share what they have observed in our lives, empowers us to move forward with the knowledge that we truly are not alone. Often times we have unfinished business with our loved ones, things we wonder about, or something we were never able to hear or say before their passing. Being able to have closure in these areas, allows us to gain peace of mind and focus on the loving aspects of our relationship with them. Sometimes, people just need the validation that they too have felt spirit presence, and have been receiving messages on their own. Medium Readings can also help those seeking personal validation of what is on The Other Side, as part of their spiritual growth and understanding. Is this the answer for everyone? No, it isn't, because everyone has their own needs, thoughts, and paths, but for a lot of people, this is one piece of the healing process that helps them remember and know that their loved one is still there, which can help get them past the spiraling thought processes that seem to keep them stuck in a prolonged grieving process. Numerous bereavement groups have found this type of spiritual healing, through credible Psychic Mediums, to be the missing link for many of the bereaved. Are all Psychic Mediums credible? Unfortunately, the answer is no, and you should do your research just as you would with any major decision. There are many good Psychic Mediums besides the famous ones you may have seen on TV. Psychic Mediums who are not booked for years in advance, as the very popular Mediums usually are. Pray to God, your angels, loved ones, or whomever, for direction, and learn to trust your inner knowing as you search for the Psychic Medium you feel the most comfortable with. Look for someone who has good testimonials from those they have read for, someone who makes you feel comfortable. Figure out what personal qualities you relate to, i.e., are they down to earth, can they help you on your spiritual path, man or woman, older or younger, whatever it is that you think will be a good fit, and keep that in mind while remaining flexible to being particularly "struck" by someone as you search. Only begin this journey once you have had time to go through the "normal" grieving process, and feel that you are ready. A reputable Psychic Medium will be there for you in the future if you need them, but will also encourage you to move on and allow you to feel your loved ones near without their help, without attempting to keep you tied to them and future consultations, through dependency. It is very important that you find a Psychic Medium that you feel has a good understanding of, and compassion for, the grieving process. One that you know takes their responsibility to the bereaved, and the impact they can have on you, very seriously. Is a Medium Reading a substitute for the normal grieving process and/or counseling? Definitely no. Although it can certainly be used in conjunction with, prior to, or after grief counseling (but not instead of), unless of course after a reading, you find that it has helped you immensely, as it has many people. Don't we all have the ability to do this? No, not everyone. I do believe that each of us has special gifts of a spiritual nature, but as with physical human skills, they vary greatly. You do have special gifts, but whether this is among them, is something that only you can find out for sure. A good Psychic Medium can and should help you to tune into your spiritual awareness as well, if you desire. I would like to tell you that everyone can do this, but I don't like to put that pressure on people, especially if you personally are not able to. It's like saying "Can anyone be a musician?" Well, with enough time, patience and dedication, perhaps anyone can play an instrument, but the end product will vary greatly. Some could be great, others not so much. The principles I will talk about below can be applied prior to, or after a healing reading with a Psychic Medium, as they go hand in hand, working in conjunction with each other. "There is a place in the heart that will never be filled a space and even during the best moments and the greatest times times we will know it we will know it more than ever there is a place in the heart that will never be filled and we will wait and wait in that space." ~Charles Bukowski "That was the thing. You never got used to it, the idea of someone being gone. Just when you think it's reconciled, accepted, someone points it out to you, and it just hits you all over again, that shocking." Begin healing with the following principles: First, let yourself feel your feelings. Go through your process as an individual, be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to cry, to talk, to ask for help, to feel everything authentically, and stop worrying what other people will say or think about you. Be sure to take care of your physical body to help combat some of the processes grief can kick into motion. Try to eat the right things (even if you don't feel like eating), drink plenty of water and make sure you get plenty of rest. Breathe deeply throughout your day, and try to keep your body clock on schedule as much as you are able. Please watch the above videos for more in-depth information regarding keeping your physical health balanced during this difficult time, so that you are not faced with the additional issue of ill health. Go ahead and talk to your loved one, or write them a letter. You can still communicate with them, and they do still hear you, because they are with you. Put personal items (pictures or any other reminders) of them out where you can see them and feel them near. Conversely, if this seems to cause you discomfort, put them away. There will come a time when you are able to put them back out, when you will not feel such raw pain associated with these items. Go anywhere you feel comforted, to your church, counselor, the grave site, or your home, and know, really know, that wherever you are, so are they. Sit and be still. Meditate, pray but give yourself the quiet opportunity to feel and sense your beloved's presence with you still. Allow yourself to feel peaceful. Allow yourself to move on and feel happy. Do not think that you have to be miserable to prove your love; They know you love them, and want only for you to be happy. Ultimately, allow yourself to need what you need, feel what you feel, and move through the process at your own pace, and in your own way. Know that what may help one person, may not help you and vice versa. Whatever you choose, whether it be a counselor, clergy, Psychic Medium, a combination of those, or nothing at all, always follow your own path, and give yourself the comfort of knowing that there is Light Beyond the Veil. Your loved ones are there, and are eager to communicate with you, to help you live in the peace and joy that you are here for. This video was very useful to me after my late Husband passed. It helped me see that feeling the pain and honoring it, would save me. I hope it helps you too. This video has practical information regarding the physical, mental & emotional affects of grief.
- LightBeyondTheVeil Psychic Medium readings connect United States
Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL Spiritual Readings with Aliya Love IS Stronger than Death Services Welcome, my name is Aliya, I look forward to getting to know you and help you connect with your Spirit Guides and loved ones on The Other Side. I want to extend a heart-felt thank you to all of my wonderful clients who have kindly referred their friends and family to me! Your enthusiastic referrals and the gift of your words in your testimonials, are the highest compliment a person can receive! Each of you, your loved ones, and your stories, continue to hold a special place in my heart. I am personally grateful for the opportunity to meet wonderful new people, and help them connect to The Other Side's gift of loving, healing energy, but also because through each session, I grow and learn and I too have the opportunity to connect with The Other Side, each time, bringing me closer to God's light as well. I pray daily that whoever needs the help that I can provide are brought to me. It has been validated through countless sessions, that those who have crossed over bring their loved ones to me so that they can connect with them . So know that if you are here, it is not a coincidence. There is Light Beyond The Veil; Your loved ones are there, and are eager to communicate with you. My readings can provide you with the opportunity to have interactive communication with your loved ones on The Other Side. I have been able to help many people cope with the grief of losing a loved one by sharing their beloved's messages and affirmations with them, changing their lives in multiple, positive ways. Knowing that our loved ones are not only happy and well, but they are still watching over us, sharing both our joys and sorrows, helps us to transition into a more peaceful and less painful place in our lives. Often times we have unfinished business with our loved ones, being able to have closure in these areas, allows us to gain peace of mind and focus on the loving aspects of our relationship with them. Once you find peace, it will be easier for you to sense your loved ones presence. By working together I can help you to better understand the process, as well as validate that you too may have already felt their presence, and have been receiving their messages. “Aliya is incredible at what she does. She has worked with me for months now on a certain issue involving the Heart. So far, we have had several meetings where she works with my Spirit Guides to convey messages that will help me on my next step in moving through this current ‘issue’. If I am at a block, or standstill, she will give me a message from my guides that will assist me in moving forward. She is patient, kind, compassionate, caring, truly Loves what she does & is there to help when you need her the most. I originally went to her thinking she mainly works with Loved ones on the ‘other side’ but quickly after speaking with her, learned she is an incredible medium/reader for the life ‘issues’ currently unfolding in my life & has tapped into my guides for guidance as to what to do & where help/growth is needed to assist me in manifesting my Hearts desires. The unfolding of working with her has been beautiful & I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with her.” I n addition to contacting your loved ones on The Other Side, I am also able to communicate with your Spirit Guides to help you better understand your spiritual journey here on earth. Your Spirit Guides and Angels want only the best for you, desiring for you to fulfill your destiny, they are very cooperative in offering instruction and direction to assist you in leading your most productive, useful and happy life. When we are out of alignment with our spirit and our spiritual purpose, we experience a body, mind and spirit that is out of balance. For many, this manifests in depression, anxiety, anger, addiction, confusion, as well as multiple physical/mental ailments and diseases. At the very least, this disharmony is not conducive to leading the joyful, balanced life and meaningful relationships with yourself and others that you are here for. When we find ourselves having unhealthy, toxic relationships with others as well as ourselves, it is a sign that we are not on our highest spiritual path. Living in joy and balance is possible, but it is your choice as to when you begin to do the work and claim your blessings. I am available for one time Spirit Guide sessions, as well as ongoing sessions helping with all the challenges mentioned above, as well as shadow side work. Shadow work is a process of inner alchemy in which you bring unwanted parts to the surface to purify, heal, and integrate into yourself. Your shadow isn’t something to be ashamed of or something to fear. It points to where you have work to do loving and accepting all parts of yourself for greater balance. "You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." ~ C.S. Lewis "My feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping, but I shall go on living." ~Pablo Neruda Different types of Psychic Practitioners Because I am a Psychic Medium, any advice, prophecy, or predictions, come directly from the Spirit World, either from your Loved Ones, Angels or Spirit Guides. Even though we are called "Psychic Mediums" there is a difference between a Psychic reading and a Psychic Medium reading. There is a phrase used that describes the difference well: "All Psychic Mediums are Psychics, but not all Psychics are Mediums," meaning that a Psychic Medium specializes in communicating with The Other Side, and when you want to contact The Other Side you should consult with a Psychic Medium, not an astrologer, tarot card reader etc. just as you would not see a dermatologist for heart surgery. Most reputable Mediums may not be available immediately or be low priced, however you want to be sure you select the correct type of psychic if you are wising to contact your loved ones, one who has the experience and sensitivity required when supporting those who are grieving. It is better to wait and get what you need, trusting in the timing of things, than to just go with someone who has immediate availability and waste not only your money, but put yourself in the position of being misled or compromised emotionally. My point is, it is worth your wait, to find someone you feel good about, one who has a solid reputation and client recommendations .
- Interesting Links | United States | Light Beyond the Veil.com
Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL Spiritual Healing with Aliya Interesting Links I highly recommend the following books from Saint Germain Press , which are of supreme importance particularly to those who understand, or desire to understand, the power of the messages of love and guidance given by The Ascended Masters. These are an integral part of any spiritually enlightened library. They are complex and deep, yet the message is simple. I feel that these are the 3 books of the series that are the most useful: Unveiled Mysteries (original) The 'I am" Discourses The Magic Presence Want to know what your pets are thinking? Need clarity in difficult situations, such as if and when euthanasia is best for an ailing animal? Want to find a solution to a behavior problem? Just want insight and perspective from your animal companion's point of view? Having personally used Rebecca Blackbyrd's Animal Communication and Energetic Healing services , I can tell you that she is the real thing. To see, will be to believe! Crystalinks is one of the most comprehensive websites with the most in depth library of archives for all things spiritual, that I have found. Search the archives alphabetically and find anything you could imagine. Holy Hormones is a great resource of information pertaining to women's health and well being. The award winning Pioneer Woman is the funniest woman on the internet. I was familiar with her before she became famous, she's always been one of my favorite bloggers, of course now she has her television show and line of home products. If you haven't visited her site yet, you have really been missing out. Her site offers recipes, family life, photography, & much, much more. Do yourself a favor and go visit her! When we die, we will turn into songs, and we will hear each other and remember each other. "In the eyes of mourning the land of dreams begins." ~Pablo Neruda "So I wait for you like a lonely house till you will see me again and live in me. Till then my windows ache." ~Pablo Neruda
- Testimonials | United States | Light Beyond the Veil.com
Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL Spiritual Healing with Aliya Love IS Stronger than Death Client Testimonials Are posted in their entirety, without contextual edits. Last names have been removed to protect the privacy of the author(s). "I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~ Maya Angelou I have so much left to say to you... When you lose someone you love, you gain and angel that you know. "What if you slept And what if In your sleep You dreamed And what if In your dream You went to heaven And there plucked a strange and beautiful flower And what if When you awoke You had that flower in you hand Ah, what then?" ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge Aliya knew things she just couldn't know. It was amazing to feel my late husband's presence and know that he was really communicating through her. I asked a few questions and she even gave me answers that were in sayings that he would have used. Aliya was engaging and so easy to talk to. I have already recommended her to all my loved ones and I will definitely be doing more readings with her. Courtney [Colorado] Hi Aliya Thank you for helping me in the p ast months. You have delivered my guides' messages truthfully and accurately, which was exactly what I needed to bre ak free from the fear that had caused me illnesses. I am now healthy and active, enjoying my life the way I never did before. Your teachings are loving and are from the light. You are truly, as my tarot card readings had shown me, The High Priestess and The Hierophant. I have consulted many spiritual workers in my life, I can comfortably say that, based on my personal experience so far, you are the best I've come across. The way you set your ego aside and offer yourself as a divine medium for the light/love to heal me touched my heart. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Love from Anne [Australia] My time with Aliya was phenomenal. I enjoyed connecting briefly with my parents and recently deceased sister before spending more time with my husband who died in 2020. It was nice not to feel that our time together was governed by the clock--she takes the time needed to deliver spirits’ messages. I am quite satisfied she is the “real deal.” She was amazingly clear and accurate and told me things only I could know. I appreciated her humility and straightforwardness. It is obvious she cares about her clients obtaining the guidance and help they need to find peace. I received the recording of my reading within a few days. Aliya has an amazing gift and I highly recommend her. K Smith [Colorado] Aliya is incredible at what she does. She has worked with me for months now on a certain issue involving the Heart. So far, we have had several meetings where she works with my Spirit Guides to convey messages that will help me on my next step in moving through this current ‘issue’. If I am at a block, or standstill, she will give me a message from my guides that will assist me in moving forward. She is patient, kind, compassionate, caring, truly Loves what she does & is there to help when you need her the most. I originally went to her thinking she mainly works with Loved ones on the ‘other side’ but quickly after speaking with her, learned she is an incredible medium/reader for the life ‘issues’ currently unfolding in my life & has tapped into my guides for guidance as to what to do & where help/growth is needed to assist me in manifesting my Hearts desires. The unfolding of working with her has been beautiful & I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with her. Samantha [Colorado] For anyone considering counsel from Aliya: Go ahead. Reach out. Period. While the totality of my spiritual upbringing might be difficult to explain here, and I’m imagining many folks wonder how this kind of consultation aligns with personal beliefs, know that Aliya and her practice are based in light, in goodness, and in an awareness of another place that we are not meant to fully understand. And yet, on more than one occasion, her intuition and insight have provided me with an indescribable and very real peace and understanding, specifically as it relates to my mother’s passing and my father’s illness. After my mother’s passing over twelve years ago, I found information in my mother’s documents that let me know my mother, in the months preceding an operation that would ultimately bring about her demise, had also considered consulting Aliya. My mom always felt unsettled about her own father’s illness and death years earlier, and I knew that, facing her own mortality, my mother’s Christian faith and faith in the otherworldly had made her curious about contact and information. I, in turn, collected this information and contacted Aliya not once but twice—first about one year after my mom’s passing and again maybe around ten years later. While I will keep the details to myself for my own privacy and out of respect for my family, I am happy and convinced to report that Aliya is blessed with what I can only describe as a supernatural understanding and ability—a rare and gorgeous gift. We all want to hear that our loved ones are “okay,” at least in the terms we understand such things. Not only did Aliya validate such things, she truly understood complex family situations, relationships, and interactions that are simply not the kind of thing one gleans from research, and in short, I feel confident that each time we scheduled a consultation, Aliya entered a space I cannot and would not try to explain—one that allowed her to communicate with my mother’s spirit and others... and one that is entirely aligned with my own faith and sense of wonder at our world. To be more specific, honestly, would betray the beauty of the messages and images we discussed, but I would urge anyone considering this option as a way to bolster one’s faith and subdue any concern or fear we may have about loved ones’ circumstances. I’ve benefitted from a genuine sense of peace, and while nothing can be truly known, my consultations with Aliya were nothing short of extraordinary and super-healing. Her gift comes from light and goodness. Katie Honoring Aliya and the capability of her presence with the full spectrum of heartfelt intimacy of connecting in the compassion of grief and loss. Through my son Jamison’s death at 25, I lost my ability to be intimately in contact with him for the first time in 25 years. Aliya reestablished my ability to have intimate contact with him again, after two months without any. I was also supported by Aliya’s capabilities to find a vigor in the heart to receive the opportunity to understand grief and growth as companions. Gratitude for the empowerment and integrity I have experienced in my multiple exchanges with Aliya. Brian A few days ago, I had the honor of having an in person session with Aliya. I have intentionally relistened to the audio recording and sat with the information I received for a couple of days in order to fully absorb before I formed this testimonial. I wanted to choose the right words. I lost my partner fairly recently to a short battle with cancer. I have been in the expected darkness that follows the tragic and devastating loss of someone so close. On the way to the session, I was anxious and nervous about what would happen. As soon as I walked in and was in Aliya's space, I started to feel better. She has a gentle and soothing presence that helped right off the bat. Aliya was absolutely able to connect with Perry. She described him physically and got a sense of his wit and personality which made it obvious to me that he was present. She gave a lot of unexpected details and references to events and conversations between us that she would have had no knowledge of. Some of the personal details took my breath away...I really walked away with a new and deep sense of peace knowing that he is ok and pain free and with me always. I fully intend to follow up with her again as time goes along and hopefully reconnect with Perry and others I have lost. I have already recommended her to several of my close friends and would absolutely recommend visiting her or doing a phone session to anyone looking to find peace and answers around missing a loved one. Thank you, Aliya Kelly [Colorado] Aliya! I can not believe how time has flown by since our reading!! After we talked, it seems each day that goes by, I am better adhering to my highest path. I felt like all my cells were a-buzz. Your wise words to not be afraid of making the wrong decision, have really helped. I think of your own loss, and wish I could return the emotional comfort and hope that you gave to me. I think I understand what you gave, during your own distress. "I want to first say, I highly recommend a reading with Aliya. While I understand that the messages she conveys are from my loved ones, her ability to communicate as a compassionate and patient human, is remarkable. My reading occurred at a stressful and unusual time in my life, fraught with many paths to take. I believe that people generally know what they need, but sometimes it takes others to help. With Aliya, I found clarity and support in the precious messages from my ancestors. There had been spirit making their presence known, and it was with great pondering that Aliya was chosen to convey the lessons my family needed to hear. During my reading, I found that her comments were accurate to the experiences I lived and the people I knew, without her having the backstories. It is as many have already noted, you hear what you need. It is remarkable when Aliya describes the personality or look of a loved one, whom she has never met. What an amazing world we live in! From the moment my reading ended, something shook loose in the universe, to my healing and benefit. The recording is a precious treasure between my (living) mom and I, as well. Aliya conveyed new guidance, detail and insight that felt personal and familiar, like when we get advise from those who are watching over our shoulder. (There were some delightful surprises, too!) May you all have a meaningful experience and know what you need to know for your journey." Blessings!! Jenney [Colorado] I am grateful for my reading with Aliya. She is very accurate and I felt like she had very clear communication with my brother. She was spot on with details about our relationship, his personality and our family. I have a renewed sense of peace knowing that my loved ones who have passed are always with me, and the messages I received from my brother are very hopeful. I look forward to a spirit guide reading in the future. Karen [Colorado] My mother very unexpectedly passed away and I was having a really hard time. A friend had suggested a few books on souls and doing a possible reading. Of course I wanted someone that was credible, that is exactly what I found with Aliya. I checked into a few but Light Beyond The Veil really stood out due to the endless great references I read. Being my first reading I really appreciated the fact that a time limit was not set on something that was so important to me. Lastly, the web site gave me so much information as I was very green to the entire process. Next came the best part......my reading. Aliya was nothing shy of amazing! I had so many questions, needed so many answers and most of all needed to know my mother was happy. Aliya referenced things that no one would have known except my mother and me. She gave me such peace with the messages that my mother was sending. I absolutely loved and cherished this experience and couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else! I am definitely planning on more readings and connections in the future! I highly recommend Aliya to all of my clients, friends and family. Kristie I am in this totally different place in my life having worked with Aliya. It's like my world has been turned inside out and now I have a new and sometimes very confusing view of the world. Let me give you an example. I was in the post office in our tiny little town talking to a friend of mine. I told him that I had recently totaled my car but was now driving Zach's car (note: my son Zach committed suicide a year and a half ago). I started to say: but Zach says his car is much safer than mine . . . and then I realized that I couldn't say that. So I start my testimonial with that. That opinion from Zach came from my third reading with Aliya, which was a very painful reading. I was not in a good place and the whole reading he focused on me. I just wanted it to end. But when I listened to the tape I realized that of the three readings I had done with Aliya, this was the most profound. Not what I wanted, not the affirmations I wanted but the affirmations I was given. I cannot promise you that all your readings with Aliya are going to be what you want. They are just what they are supposed to be. It's a very different conversation from the one you have with people in this world. My first reading with Aliya was an introduction. She was communicating with my son which was easy because he showed up even before our phone call, and learning his communication style (still not sure how this communication happens . . . but I know it does). "He talks so fast," Aliya would say. She described this opinionated person (who before our readings arrived to give her advice about her life.) Once we got through the introductions, Zach's personality started to come through. Two very concrete things stand out from that reading. The first is that Zach talked about appreciating some piece of artwork that I look at every day that I created for him. Indeed I had started his memorial tapestry before he died and finished it after he died. And it hangs in my office where I see it daily. The second huge affirmation was about GMOs. Zach was obsessing about GMOs, saying in part that they caused his illness. He and I used to argue about this. Aliya was very surprised that he was so obsessed about this. I then explained to her that he was a plant biology major at Cornell and that he and I had often argued about GMOs. In life he thought they were just fine. In the spirit world he now knows they are not. My daughter Elena and a friend were here for the second reading. Zach gave my daughter a bunch of advice which shocked her because no one except for me could understand the advice he was giving her and why. He spent that entire reading talking about us, bringing up little quirks that only he could have known. He warned against events that did happen. He also showed Aliya a landscape somewhere in Europe. From her description it was Corsica where my family has a home and where Zach spent some of the best days of his life. Zach kept saying Elena and I needed to go to Europe, which we had already vaguely been planning to do. My parents also have a home in Paris. I don't think he cared where we went, but just let us know we needed to go there and soon. I remember I was a bit obsessed about Zach's missing safe. Zach's apartment was cleaned out when he died and his safe just wasn't there. I needed the mystery cleared up. I was afraid to ask Aliya to ask Zach because I didn't want to be disappointed. And in fact initially I was disappointed. He said two things: he left it with a friend for safe keeping and that there wasn't much of value inside. I knew there were some stamps and coins and I expected his passport was there as well. I just wanted to know. I was surprised that a friend had it because wouldn't that friend have told me? Also, I had the key. The safe had been in my house and sometimes Zach would call me from school and ask me to get some document out of it. I didn't know if he had another key. The mystery was still a mystery. The safe was not in my house anymore and I figured I would never know. That would be one affirmation that wasn't an affirmation at all. A while after that reading . . . I don't know if it was weeks or a couple of months . . . I suddenly jumped out of bed early one morning and ran up to the attic. I started going through boxes of my clothing. At that moment I needed to throw stuff out, or so I told myself. I went through a couple of boxes and then noticed in the back of the attic a big box with clothes falling out of it. I moved through the darkness to that box and pulled out some of the clothes only to discover the safe, apparently where Zach had put it the last time he visited, leaving it "safe with a friend." I found the key and opened the safe. I was not surprised at what I found. Our family is big on irony. So if one says there is nothing of much value in the safe it means there is something of great value in the safe. I found a plastic bag filled with 60 one hundred dollar bills. A month later Elena and I used that money to go Paris to visit my parents. And indeed we absolutely needed to go there. As I said in the beginning of this testimonial, connecting with spirit through Aliya changes you. I don't doubt or question the connection. I wish it was easier, and that I could just sit back and call spirits to me and have a nice long chat. Maybe someday that will happen. But for now Aliya is my phone plan and she does a brilliant job of it. I am forever grateful for her compassion, her patience and her amazing skill as a medium. Claudia I don't know if I can adequately express how much Aliya's reading meant to me but suffice to say that I never imagined it would bring me so much peace and comfort and happiness. My boyfriend passed tragically and unexpectedly three months ago and there were many unanswered questions. It was a tough reading and sometimes hard to hear as he had been a traumatized and tormented soul and had many roadblocks and setbacks in his life....most of which I knew or suspected....but not to the depth of despair and desperation he had felt. He was the love of my life and brought me great joy but our life together was not without problems. We had been estranged the two weeks before he died and my despair and grief knew no bounds. I was paralyzed with "what ifs" and "whys" and nothing could keep the agony of grief from consuming me. That is, until my reading with Aliya. Aliya was able to communicate with him and, without me even asking, answer all my questions regarding his passing, his life and history, his hopes and regrets, and his journey after his passing. I never, for one moment, doubted it was him. I had never met anyone like him. He was unique and had a way of expressing himself that was like no one else. All of this came through. Every day since his passing I would ask him the same three questions, known only to me. Those questions were answered in abundance. That would have been enough and in and of itself would have brought me great comfort. But there was more...affirmations and confirmations of his eternal love for me, of our life together on earth and our spiritual journey together in the future, of being with me now and seeing and feeling and hearing what I experience.....brought me not only comfort but peace and serenity. This experience was like getting the best Christmas gift of your life......and it is a gift I will hold close to my heart and treasure always..... (Same person, testimonial #2): A few weeks after my boyfriend’s reading I asked for a reading with my Dad. It was a totally different experience but not surprising as they were as different as night and day. My Dad had passed suddenly and unexpectedly two years prior after a fall that sent blood clots to his lungs. He passed thirty days later. Three months after my Dads passing my younger sister, a double lung transplant recipient, passed after contracting a rare bacteria. In a matter of mere months my small family had been cut in half. My journey through grief for them was no less devastating than with my boyfriend, but it was different. My Dad, and my sister, lived full lives for the most part, were happy and successful, for the most part and their faith was unwavering. I was with them both when they died. There was no unfinished business. And I never doubted they were in heaven. Still I missed them terribly and just wanted to talk to them. What transpired over the next hour and a half was confirmation after confirmation of events when they passed and since they passed. And boy did their personalities come through....my Dad, the engineer, the most organized person I've ever known, asking if I was happy he left things so organized and easy to follow. When I said I'd had a hard time following his system he laughed and said "you shouldn't have. It was perfect." And my sister, talking about how she had been unlucky in love in life, but she was done with all that and having the time of her life now on the other side. Unlike my boyfriend, I can't say I was worried where they were or how they were, but to hear so many affirmations of them being with me and Mom, new grandchildren, sicknesses....even talking about my boyfriend’s passing...left me with such a feeling of peace and serenity and joy. Aliya is a joy.. warm, comforting, funny. You feel like you've known her forever. She said she believes those who have passed somehow send their loved ones to her. I believe she is right. She is a treasure! [Name Withheld By Request] My husband passed away unexpectedly six months ago and Aliya did an amazing job translating for us to be able to connect with each other. He was a very quiet and non-communicative person and so I knew it would take a strong medium to work with him. I was not even sure that he would come through. He came through and it was truly amazing and healing to talk with him. It was very clear and concise. If I was not sure of something he was saying we would move on and it would make complete sense later. I am at peace and people are surprised at how well I am doing while grieving. It has helped me to know without a doubt that he is always with me and he is okay. I decided to also get a spirit guide reading after that, which was also equally amazing. It answered many questions that I had and helped me see what a healthy and happy road for me would look like. It is coming from your guides who have been with you all your life so when you receive the information they have for you it feels familiar and wise. Both experiences were extremely positive, loving and very deeply healing. Aliya really cares and delivers the information so lovingly and in such a positive manner. This experience for me has truly been life changing and helped me want to heal faster as my husband wants this for me and it also helps him to know I'm okay. I also researched ahead of time on how to get the most out of a reading and that really helped me come prepared with great questions which allowed me to get really clear answers. I also learned to relax ahead of time and be in a loving state of mind. I let go of my expectations and was grateful for what information was given and on top of getting what information I needed all my questions ended up being answered. I am forever grateful to Aliya for what she does as it is a true amazing, healing and loving experience. Debby A year ago I lost my husband. It was sudden and completely unexpected; he was only 44. We we're inseparable. We only spent 9 days apart in 11 years. Around 6 weeks after his passing, the separation became unbearable, and I started looking for help. I found Aliya online and scheduled an appointment. In the days before my appointment I was invited to an event with a panel of other psychic mediums giving readings. I jumped at the chance. At the event I was told how happy and carefree my husband was now. He spent his time playing and having fun. I was too fragile in those days to see it wasn't even his personality to say those things. Instead I became more despondent. I felt abandoned and left behind. Of course I also felt terribly guilty that I wasn't happy he had apparently so easily moved on, while our girls and I struggled to make it through each day. When my appointment came with Aliya, I went into it with a healthy dose of skepticism. I had to protect myself this time. Within 5 minutes I felt the tightness leave my shoulders. I was very calm. I was talking to the man I knew so well. The details were undeniable. At one point while discussing work and money; he told Aliya "ice cream" it even confused her. But I knew. I had forgotten about an ice cream freezer at a friend’s house I could retrieve and sell to make money. My most recent session (my 3rd), my husband gave me a new direction for my career. He told me specific steps to move forward and what to be aware of (he really is quite bossy still haha). Most importantly that he would be with me every step, as he was in life. I could go on and on but the bottom line is that Aliya's gift has saved me. I am learning to pick up the pieces of my shattered life. I am able to do this because I know I was not just left behind. My husband; my very best friend is with me still, this I know, thanks to Aliya. Julie Thank you so much for the reading on Saturday. I can't begin to tell you how at peace I feel. After 27 years, I never thought I held on to so much grief from losing my dad at such a young age, but I can't begin to describe the peace and calm feeling that came over me after he came thru and told me he's ok. Thank you for helping me connect with my family. Rachel [Rapid City, SD] Aliya's reading brought me a deep sense of peace and release. For nine months after my Mother's passing there were many questions and doubts that arose because of the discovery I made of journals in which she wrote about her spiritual yearnings and experiences. Doubts filled my mind and the healing process was hindered because of this. The day before the scheduled reading I slept so peacefully that I had the impression that everything would be resolved. When the time of the reading came I remained open and ready. As I listened to Aliya describe what she had learned about my Mother during her first contact I knew that I had made the right decision in the choice of coming to her for this reading. My questions were all answered and the message from my Mother brought me great hope and strength. It gave me a better understanding of who she was and what she had gone through. I highly recommend Aliya for a reading and will plan for another one in the future. EmilyAnn [New York City] Aliya, You probably hear this a lot but I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you were able to do for me. At 30 years old, you allowed me to have my very first conversation with my mother...that I so desperately wanted ALL my life. I can't thank you enough. You have helped to change my life in a way that I wasn't sure was possible. Not only am I at peace, but I am happier...deep down inside...than I have ever been in my entire life. What you do is truly amazing :-) Thank you sooooo much! [Name Withheld By Request] [UPDATE] You did a reading for me on December 11, 2012. You connected me with my mother who spent 19 years in a coma and I never got to know her. I just wanted to give you a quick update and I also had a few questions [omitted] about the spirit world, if that's ok. Right after my reading I had a huge sense of relief...euphoria. As the days went on, I was kind of "out of it". I couldn't quite digest that I was actually able to talk to my mom for the first time EVER. It was just so foreign to me. I wasn't focusing and the only thing on my mind was the reading and trying to make sense of everything that came through. After a couple of weeks, I came out of my "zone" and truly began to digest it all...and realized it really DID happen. My life has been a complete 180 since. People say I have a glow about me. For 7 years I had to take sleeping pills every night to sleep. I haven't had to take a pill in months. For the first time since my mothers passing (in 2003), I can sleep at night without needing help. That is so remarkable and I thank you again for what you did for me. Thank you again :-) [Name Withheld By Request] Aliya, My mother got a reading from you not to long ago and it made me very interested. Before I heard the recording I was stuck between believing and not believing. I didn't have reason to believe and no reason to not believe. But after your session with my mother, you made me a believer. I am looking to get a reading from you sometime in the near future. My loss had been very hard for me and my mother said that you really helped her, so I think I need my own conversation with you. Thank you for your time. K. [Wisconsin] My family is a very close family, so of course we were all devastated when we learned my father had passed away in a very unexpeted tragic accident four years ago. All of us have been have an extremely difficult time with this death so I decided to try a medium for a mothers day gift to my mother. I have always been a skeptic, but since my fathers death I became more of a believer and thought I would give it a try. When I found Aliya, I was honestly expecting her to give us false information and that would be that. As soon as my mother and I walked into Ix Chel Healing Arts Center, Aliya greeted us and I immediatley felt at ease. She is such a warm and sincire person, its hard not to like her ;). She explained the process to us and then explained my father to me so we would know she had the right person. From the first sentence, she was right on about him! She described my two sisters personalities, which she had no knowledge of them prior to the reading. There was information she shared with us that no one could have looked up or researched. Since our reading, my mother has been a bit better. I believe it lifted some grief and she's able to move on now. Aliya has helped us in more ways than she knows. I know I will be going back very soon! Thanks Aliya....you have a special gift! Natalie N. [Colorado] I was given Aliya's name and website by a dear friend of mine who had already met with her and had a very successful reading. I did a phone reading with Aliya and was totally awestruck by her ability to contact my Dad, who has been gone almost 25 years. The beginning of the conversation was an easygoing chat between us and I felt very comfortable with her and could feel her friendliness. The validations she came through with from Dad were really right on and even his personality was the same as when he was here on earth. It was so very comforting to realize and be told that he is always with us and knows we miss him and love him. It was an amazing reading and we were even able to contact several other family members. I came off the phone feeling like, "WOW". It took me a while to come down off the high I was on! I plan to keep in contact with Aliya, for not only is she a wonderful and very blessed person, but she is the doorway to my Dad and others that remain very alive in my heart. Thank you, Aliya! Donna S. [ Colorado] My son had passed away recently and I was having a hard time coping with the events. I never said goodbye and was constantly worried if he was okay and so many other unfinished issues. I saw Aliya's website and was drawn to the tree she has on her cover. Don't know why but it felt right. I met her and felt at ease immediately. She explained everything to me so that I could understand how mediumship works. The names, statements and other info was right on. I feel that I did connect to my son and that helped to take away some of the despair I was experiencing. I still miss my son very much and will have a very long journey to wholly understand the whys. Aliya helped in that healing process and I am forever grateful. I look forward to future visits with Aliya. I have recommended her services to others who are seeking comfort. Thanks Aliya! Veronica [Colorado] I just wanted to write to thank Aliya for the reading she provided for me and my mother-in-law. My husband was recently killed in Iraq, and we have both had an extremely difficult time coping and even accepting the fact that he is no longer with us. I must say that we were both really nervous and somewhat skeptical before our conversation with Aliya started. Before the reading she helped to calm our nerves by explaining the process. Once the reading started any bit of doubt we may have had went out the window as soon as she started relaying the messages she was receiving from David. With out a doubt we knew he was communicating through her by the way she described him and the things that he told her. It was a very comforting and elating experience. I know we both feel so much better knowing that he is still here with us and he is happy. I don't think I can put into words how grateful I am that we found Aliya (I know David was in on that one), and that David was able to come through to her. I feel that I will now be able to pick up on the signs he gives us to let us know he's here, and feel that my connection with him will only grow stronger. So Aliya, thank you so much for taking the time to give us a reading. You have given us the much needed clarity we have needed for so long. You have left us with a very comforting feeling, and helped to bring more peace to this tragedy we have been dealing with. I don't know how to verbally express our gratitude, but thank you, thank you, thank you. Sincerely, Colette & Jennie [Colorado] My father was killed 2 and a half years ago and there was a lot of unfinished business between us and we were not on good terms when he died. I have been in constant and almost debilitating grief since his death. Right after my father died I thought about scheduling a session with one of the famous mediums like George Anderson or Char Margolis, but their price was so high for just one hour and I couldn't afford it. Two and a half years later and a few weeks ago I was onlilne and just by accident bumped into a website with listings of Psychics and Mediums and both. As I scanned for a medium in the US I looked at several of their websites and when I saw Aliya's I knew she was the one and contacted her for a session immediately. Her website speaks for itself! She emailed and called me the next day and we set up a telephone session right away. I wanted to make contact with two loved ones who had crossed over, my brother 16 years ago and my father 2 and a half years ago. I had been having voices in my head when my brother died and and after my father died I was having voices in my head all the time. I thought that maybe it was me and just my thoughts that I was hearing or thinking that it was something that my brother or father would say to me if alive. After my first reading with Aliya which lasted 3 hours spent just on my father, I was totally blown away with what my father had to say to me and it was exactly what I had been hearing in my head. She was even able to describe the scene of his death and what had taken place. She was exactly right. It was so validating I could hardly contaiin myself. It was like my father was right there with me talking to me and had been all this time. My second session with Aliya focused just on my brother primarily and again Aliya spent 3 hours with me and was right on the mark about how he died and how he regretted it and gave several bits of information about things I had of his which was a shirt. He also came through with his exact personality he had when on earth and teased me about having a kid at my age (which is 44). My third session with Aliya was to contact my spirit guides and they came through with so much information that was right on the mark it was unbelievable. I was shocked! Aliya took so much time with me I couldn't believe it. She was so patient, kind, gentle, caring, and down to earth. Aliya is genuine and has a very very special gift. After my first session with Aliya I couldn't wait for my next sessions. Almost immediately after my first session my grief began to lift and I felt joy for the first time in 2 and a half years. Aliya has helped me in a way that no doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist ever could. She gave me validation that my loved ones really are still alive and well and near me, even closer than when alive and on earth. I am so overjoyed that I was guided to Aliya. She is every bit as good or better (I think she's better) than George Anderson, Char Margolis, and John Edward, etc. Aliya, you gave me my life back and there are no words on earth to describe how wonderful you are. You are LOVE and LIGHT! Many Blessings, G.C. [Texas] I have to say, I am so happy with my reading. I lost my husband 5 months ago, to a drowning, and was depressed. When I found your website, I knew you would be the one that could connect me to him. What an outstanding job you did. So many questions were answered, and I am so much more at peace now. Aliya, you are such a caring person, and I felt when I talked to you, that I had known you all my life. You are so personable, and down to earth. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm sure we will talk again sometime. Cathy W. [Michigan] Dearest Aliya, I am writing this letter to let you know how wonderful and at peace that I am now. I have had several issues with my Mother's passing for almost two years now. I was looking on the Internet for grieving groups which I could share my feelings and frustrations with. I happened to run across your web site and of course clicked on it. I was amazed by the testimonials and how peoples lives were changed by Aliya. I called her that night and left her a message to call me the next day, which she did. I set my appointment up and I can truly tell you that it was the best thing that I have ever done. I was truly amazed by the reading, everything she revealed to me was accurate and I have never felt so at peace as I did that night. Aliya has been the answer to my prayers, she is such a wonderful and caring person. I cannot begin to tell you how she has changed my life. I urge to everyone that if you are having problems with your loved one's passing you should please give her a call. I know that I will never be able to thank her enough for what she has done for me. She is a truly amazing woman who has an extraordinary gift from God. Again I urge you to call if you are having issues that you cannot deal with alone. Thanks again Aliya. Very Truly Yours, Sharon M. [Virginia] I will be honest I have tried to write this testimonial about 100 times in the past 6 months. I have wrote and rewrote it, I can't tell you how many times, words CAN NOT express what has been given to me through a reading with Aliya. I will start with my story, I have known Aliya for a while and I always knew she was someone with a special gift. I will be honest, I was skeptical, and for the most part never felt like I needed a "reading". Then on February 15,2006 my whole life changed in an instant. My mother died suddenly of a heart attack, she was 57 years old and I was only 28. It was 2 weeks before my first child turned 1. I went from being a new mom myself to having no mother. My life was turned up side down. I was very close to my mom, talked everyday and saw her at least 3-4 times per week. She was a constant in my life, and if any of you reading this have had children, you know what it means to have your mom there to help you and consult with if you have a question. My rock, my best friend and my savior were gone in a blink of an eye. During the time of her death I would have to say I was numb, so I don't remember a lot of things, the details are fuzzy about what happened right after her death but numb is the only word I could find that works for me. I spent the next few months in a haze of pain. I called it an emotional rollercoaster from hell that I couldn't get off. I have never missed someone so much in my whole life. I was angry at her, at myself, at anyone who had a mother still in there lives, songs made me cry, my baby made me cry, looking at anything that reminded me of her, I would just sit and bawl. It affected my life, my family, my relationship with my husband, every aspect of my life was affected by her not being there. I went on like this for about a year and a half. Until I finally said "oh what the hell, getting a reading could not hurt anything". A year later I kick myself for not deciding to do it sooner. My reading with Aliya lasted over 2 hours and was full of information. Solid validations of things that no one else knew I was saying or doing, not even my husband of 8 years knew what I would say to my mom when I was by myself. What this reading did for me was validate the one thing that everyone says "That she is still with you, watching over you." I never really believed that until I had my reading. What Aliya gave to me was piece of mind and there is absolutely NO AMOUNT you can put on that. I would have paid Aliya, heck anyone who could have given me what this has, a million dollars if I had it, just to feel the way I do today. Aliya was wonderful during my first reading, I asked a lot of questions and she is wonderful to talk to and was able to tell me like it was. My mom in life was a no nonsense type of person, if she had something to say she said it, it did not matter if it hurt your feelings, she was very honest, sometimes too honest of a person. Aliya was right on, she did not sugar coat anything for me, I did not feel as though she was trying to pull information out of me, she just talked to me like I was talking to my mom. By doing this with Aliya I was able to get information to validate that my mom is still with me, songs that used to make me cry, now make me smile, because I know my mom is right there with me singing in the car. Watching my daughter dance at her first dance recital would have made me sad before, but now I just know she is there watching her too. The gift that Aliya was given so very long ago, is a gift that I will treasure forever, because she gave me a gift that no one else can give me, and that is my mom back. No I don't get to see her and I don't get to hold her, but I do get to know she is proud of me, as a women, as a wife and as a mother. What made me the most sad is all the things my mom was going to miss, and now I know she isn't missing a thing. I have had 2 more readings with Aliya since my first one, (when some other family and information came through as well as my mom, that she had no way of knowing), and I will probably continue to get readings from Aliya for the rest of my life. I can't ever express with words, money or possessions what Aliya has given me, she truly gave me my life back and gave me myself back, free of pain, free of guilt. I walked away from the reading with Aliya a completely different person, I am more spiritual and I have found inner peace. I walked into my reading with Aliya with my heart broken and empty and walked out with my heart mended and full and I will forever be grateful to Aliya, she saved my life. Carrie C. [Colorado] I had a reading with Aliya, I wanted to contact my father. I had so many questions since his passing. I was so unsure of the decisions that had been made and even though my dad spoke Spanish, which I was very concerned about the language barrier she was still able to reach him and the minute she told me I called him "papi" which is daddy in Spanish I new this was the real thing. She made me feel at ease and made me feel like I had known her for years, she was very patient and understanding when I would start to blubber. She told me so many things that only my immediate family knew. She also told me a couple of things that I had no clue on. She talked to me about earrings that had been in the family for different generations, she talked about stairs, and she said my dad was on the other side with a son and daughter. I knew my dad had lost a son before I was born but had no clue about a daughter. I was concerned that we had someone else. I talked to my mother and my aunt who had no idea I had contacted a medium and just casually started bringing up different subjects. Low and behold my aunt has a pair of earrings that belonged to my great grandmother and she told me she wanted to pass them on to me. My mother fell down a flight of stairs when she was pregnant and lost a little girl. I got goose bumps when my mom and aunt told me that. I then decided to share the information Aliya had given me and so many other things just fell into place. THANK YOU Aliya, I had been so lost and confused for the past year and you really set me at ease, I feel like I can finally breathe. I now know that I was daddy's little girl and he was very proud of me. Words really can't describe how I felt when I hung up with her. Sincerely, Sonia M. [Florida] Thank you again for the reading today. It is hard to explain in words how it feels to receive such a clear and comprehendable understanding from the other side. I feel better understood, more focussed in my journey and more grounded in my life on earth. You have learned how to use your gifts to the fullest and I will highly recommend you to anyone seeking spiritual services. Thanks again, Paul A. [Colorado] My reading with Aliya was the most amazing experience. She contacted my Grandmother & Mother-in-Law for me. I have waited years for the experience to speak to my Grandmother & Mother-in-Law one last time. Aliya made this possible, & calmed my nerves with conversation before the reading began. She is an extremely accurate, compassionate, gentle, soothing, & caring lady. Aliya also has a great sense of humor. I felt so comfortable with Aliya that I forgot I was talking to a psychic, I felt like I was having a conversation with a very close friend. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Aliya for the reading, I feel happier than I've felt in a long time, & more at peace with myself. I will definitely use Aliya's services again & refer her to my friends & family. Debra S. [Florida] I was searching for answers after trying to come to terms with the death of my step-daughters mother. Aliya, not only helped my step-daughter and I find peace of mind, but also left us comforted with warmth in our hearts after helping us deal with our misfortunate turn of events. Before speaking with Aliya, I was a little skepticle, but after hearing, personal message's through her, (things that there was no way she could of known otherwise), that it blew any doubt I ever had completely away. I was quite comfortable and felt very much at ease getting my first reading. I know I will definatley be calling Aliya again for her services and insight. Until we talk again. With fond thoughts, and many thanks. Theresa C. [Colorado] A reading with Aliya is like a warm embracing hug. It seems to mean more because for a brief time, you feel a real shared friendship. The information that comes through is not delivered in a dispassionate "here are the facts" sort of way. You know that Aliya truly cares about you, so the "facts" that are delivered go straight to the heart. Aliya was able to tell me things that were absolutely from a deceased loved one, things that were specific to that person. When the reading concluded, I was left with a feeling of warmth and love that I hadn't anticipated. I felt a renewed closeness to the "other side". I would definitely recommend a reading with Aliya. Take care, Beth M. [Colorado] Recently I had the pleasure of experiencing a reading with Aliya. I must say, the reading was surprisingly accurate, comforting and a little bittersweet. The very first spirit to come through was my dad who passed within the last two weeks. As most of us know, the grieving process is especially profound in the first days, weeks and months after a loved one passes. Although my dad was well into his 80's it was wonderful to know that he once again had the strength and the "voice" to express his love and commitment to his family in this life and most especially to my mom. I am comforted to know that he is watching over us and has settled in nicely with loved ones who preceeded him to the other side. thank you Aliya for offering me real peace of mind. Karen F. [Massachusetts] Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. When the wind blows, know that I am near.. People die, but your relationship with them doesn't. It continues and is ever-changing. "Absence is a house so vast that inside you will pass through its walls and hang pictures on the air." ~Pablo Neruda "Absence is a house so vast that inside you will pass through its walls and hang pictures on the air." ~Pablo Neruda "In my heart, you are still alive..."
- Book a Reading | United States | Light Beyond the Veil.com
Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL Spiritual Healing with Aliya Book a Session You can request a session by emailing me at: AliyaLightBeyondTheVeil@gmail.com I prefer email contact, as it helps me with scheduling, and to have an ongoing point of reference for your unique individual request. I DO NOT: Conduct call in Readings; in other words, please don't call expecting me to be able to give you a reading on the spot. My schedule is very busy, and I honor each client wit h the time and attention which is necessary for me to prepare. Perform magic, spells, witchcraft or the like. Predict the future; direction often comes through during your session, but I am not a fortune teller. However, feel free to call if you have questions, but please LEAVE A MESSAGE if you are unable to reach me, and I will return your call as soon as I possibly can. I try to reply to emails or voicemails within 48 hours so that we can choose a mutually acceptable date to schedule your appointment. I fully recognize that there are times when one can feel an overwhelming, urgent need for a session, but it is important for you to understand that most reputable practitioners have busy schedules and are usually not available immediately. There are psychics who will be, but I would not recommend seeking their guidance. The same is equally true regarding rates; some Psychics may have lower rates, but again, you want your needs to be met. Also, while all Mediums are Psychics, not all Psychics are Mediums, you want to be sure you select the correct type of psychic if you are wishing to contact your loved ones, one who has the experience and sensitivity required when supporting those who are grieving, as not all Mediums possess these skills. It is better to wait and get what you need, trusting in the timing of things, than to push it and waste not only your time and money, but put yourself in the position of being misled or compromised emotionally. My point is, it is worth your wait, to find someone you feel good about, one who has a solid reputation and client recommendations. I do try to make urgent appointments for those who have an immediate need. Just let me know in your initial contact, and I will reply as soon as possible By contacting me, you certify that you are at least 18 years of age; sessions are available for minors, with the participation of a parent or guardian. If you are visiting Estes Park, and want a session on short notice, please email me, and I will do my best to fit your request into my schedule. SESSION RATES Unlike many other Psychic Mediums, my rates are Not based on time, I also do not limit the number of questions that you may ask during your session. Typically the av erage session lasts 1 hour, sometimes they are more or (rarely) less; these rates cover your session regardless of how long it may take. Since our concept of time means nothing to those who have crossed over, I do not limit readings in this way. PHONE: $22 0.00 PER PERSON Telephone Sessions are available worldwide via conference c alling. All phone sessions are rec orded, and an MP3 copy provided to each participant for future reference, at no additional cha rge. IN PERSON: $33 0.00 PER PERSON In person sessions are conducted in Estes Park, Colorado. You are welcome to bri ng a device to record your session. The price for in-person sessions are higher as the logistics are more i nvolved for me. I offer pricing packages for Ongoing Spirit Guide Healing Sessions that extend to 3 or more sessions, contact me for rates. Telephone sessions are equally as accurate. If you are seeking an In Person Group Session of 3 individuals or more contact me by Email with the details regarding your group needs, so that I can provide pricing and logistic i nformation for you. This is a fun, healing, interactive group experience. Grief Workshops and Intensive Weekend Mountain Retreats are also available, which can provide clarification, profound healing and transformation, and the continued illumination of The Other Side, through the sharing of personal experiences in a spiritual, relaxed, safe, comfortable environment. Contact me for rates and schedules. PAYMENT Once we have tentatively agreed upon an appointment time in email correspondence, you can then return to this page to securely and safely pay for your session with all major credit cards or your bank account, using the PayPal link below. After I have received notice of your payment, your appointment will be formally confirmed and set. I apologize, but I do not accept personal checks. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS Refunds are not given for services either performed, or scheduled. If something interferes with the originally scheduled appointment time, an alternate time will need to be scheduled for your session. If you have scheduled an in person session, and can not attend, but would instead prefer a phone session , you will be credited the difference only if the appointment is rescheduled at least 72 hours prior to the time of the original in person appointment. O nce a reading has been given, my services and my time have already been utilized. Likewise, once a reading has been scheduled, time has been reserved for you, usually to the exclusion of others, and rearranging schedules for myself and other clients is a time consuming ordeal that I wish to avoid, so that I can instead concentrate my efforts on being the best I can be, for you. Thank you for your understanding. Mostly it is loss which teaches us about the worth of things. SUBMITTING YOUR PAYMENT CONSTITUTES AN EXPLICIT ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. For mobile, click on phone session bar, for more reading options Native American Prayer for the Grieving I give you this one thought to keep~ I am with you still I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glint on the snow, I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not think of me as gone~ I am with you still In each new dawn..
- Reading Elements | United States | Light Beyond the Veil.com
Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL Spiritual Healing with Aliya Reading Elements ~BEING OPEN TO THE PROCESS~ It's important to enter into a reading with an open mind and no expectations, which I fully realize is the hardest part, but it is also the most important part if you want to walk away from your reading having really heard their messages and validations, leaving you with a sense of peace and satisfaction. It would be disappointing to all concerned, if you were to expect validation of one specific piece of information which doesn't happen to come through, potentially causing you to discount other validations that are received. Many times they will come through with those expected messages, but other times they come through with other, equally meaningful validations. In any case, it's to your benefit to remain open to anything. The most remarkable readings are always with with clients who have open hearts, those who approach their connection with gratitude, so that the energy can fully manifest. This does not mean that you can't be sad or grieving or unfamiliar with this realm, but if you find yourself to be highly skeptical about this process, then I suggest that you wait until you are in a place where you can be more receptive to the energy of connecting, so that you have the most meaningful reading possible. We all have "Free Will," and since you can change the destiny of your future at any time by making conscious decisions, predictions are often inaccurate. You may be shown what the future could look like if you continue on the same path, or what the future could look like if you choose a different path, however, choosing what direction you take, is ultimately your decision. You should also be aware that their reference for time is much different from our own. For example: 20 years to us, is but a blink of an eye for those on the other side. It is important for you to understand that a reading with me is a three way conversation. Their messages will be unique enough to you, that you will know they are coming from them. It seems to take as much energy for them to come through as it does for me to receive them, so I like to let them set the pace, allowing the messages to come through in their entirety, as they are not easily abbreviated to accommodate our sense of time. Often they come through with a lot of information in one session, which I don't like to interrupt, (and which is why my fee isn't based on time). Your reading is a partnership between you and I, as well as the spirits, and as with anything, it is important that we work together to help each other, by being open and positive. The challenge for a Psychic Medium (or for me anyway) is sifting out the messages from the normal thought processes. Your "job" is to interpret the messages with an open mind. A reading with me is not all about me sitting and talking at you... it's an open dialogue. ~ THE MESSAGES ~ I will tell you what I "hear," so that we can interpret what they are trying to communicate to you, together. I do allow questions, but I will ask you when I am ready for them. It can't be "rapid fire" questions, otherwise I will not have a chance to hear their answers. If you have questions that come up while I'm talking, please make a quick note and we will come back to it. It seems that reading styles are unique to the individual Medium; Some are very good with names, causes of death, etc. For me, the messages are often related to identifying and validating who they are, as well as their reassurances to you and messages of encouragement and love. Often they do this by verifying personal objects they had (which may be items you now have). I often get messages about their physical characteristics (as you would likely remember them), their personalities, hobbies, homes, memories, inside jokes that you may have shared, favorite foods, recipes, family traditions, other family member personalities and struggles, family dynamics etc. They also share their messages of love, affirmations, and reassurances regarding unfinished business that you may have. It is not unusual for them to also provide information relating to happenings that they have observed (conversations, events, etc.), which seem designed to reassure you that they have been present, seeing things that only you would know. For me, usually the messages I am shown in symbols and images will only have meaning to you. I do not regularly see certain familiar symbols, which represent a specific message, e.g., white flower = upcoming birthday, etc. The symbols I get will be unique to you and their message. That is the interpretive process that Psychic Mediums have to work through. If they show a red rose, is that a gesture/symbol of love, or did this person give you a red rose every year for your anniversary? This is where you come in with helping interpret messages as they relate to you and your unique relationship with your beloved. Their messages and affirmations are what they think are important for you to hear, usually knowing what you need, even if you don't. Ultimately it is up to you to understand your reading, and to accept any direction they may give, at your discretion. "If I die, I will wait for you, do you understand? No matter how long. I will watch from beyond to make sure you live every year you have to its fullest, and then we’ll have so much to talk about when I see you again…" ~Jeaniene Frost "Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere else." ~Albert Einstein ~ MY APPROACH ~ I consider myself to be a spiritual, non-sectarian person. I respect all religions and the paths that we as individuals choose, and am comfortable working with people of diverse beliefs. Although I am very spiritual, I try to speak and relate to you in a very plain, understandable "down to earth" way. Please be aware that I DO NOT work with the dark side, demons, or negative energies, spells, witchcraft etc. I don't use cards, stones or anything like that, although I may use candles to set a calm, peaceful mood, but we don't sit around holding hands at a crystal ball having a "seance." By clarifying this, I am absolutely NOT being critical of those who do, but I just want you to be clear about what to expect from a reading with me. I choose to focus on the Love and Light, and withhold power from the darkness by not acknowledging it. Be aware, there is a difference between "stuck" spirits who are unsettled and need to move on, and negative entities. I am happy to try to help them move on if that's what you're needing. Also, if you feel some kind of energy attached to a building that you want to know about, I can help you with that as well. Although rare, there may be times when I am not comfortable with a spirit, and upon the direction of my guides, will choose not to continue with a reading. In addition to the time spent during each reading, I also spend time meditating and praying in preparation. I am guided by the Love and Light of God and others, this assures that both you and I are sheltered from energy that would manifest in a way contrary to the energy and intention of Love and Light, that we surround ourselves with. If I feel threatened during the reading by any unwelcome energy(s) that will not depart, I will end the reading for both of our well-beings. There are a few different types of Mediums: mental, trance, physical, and channeling. I am a Mental Medium, which is best described as communication of spirits with a Medium by telepathy. Of the 7 "psychic senses," I have 5: Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Clairsentinence and Claircognizance. You can visit here for further information regarding Mediumship and what the "psychic senses" mean. I try not to over analyze the "how's" or "why's," as I believe that it is something that just is. The Psychic Medium mentally hears, sees, and/or feels messages from spirits, passing along the information to the message recipient(s), who can then interpret their meaning. Or more simply, I connect with loved ones from The Other Side, and share their messages with you. If you want to know more, read the rest of my story . .. ~ HOW YOU CAN PREPARE FOR YOUR READING ~ I suggest that you have a list prepared of any questions you may have, so that they aren't forgotten as we go along. For phone readings, please be prepared to have your time uninterrupted, in a relaxing, quiet place, where you can focus your energy as well. Don’t be surprised if spirits whom you would not expect to hear from (or may never have even known or remember) come through initially. It is not a process where we can just ignore one and move on to another. Each spirit has to be acknowledged before we can move on. Those who do come through, usually come through for a reason. We just have to trust the process and remain open to their messages, and get what we were hoping to hear out of our minds, to be open to what we do hear. Often times, an unexpected spirit may help those that you are hoping to communicate with, to come through. Be prepared to take notes for future reference, as I likely may not recall specifics of our sessions. This will help you to verify facts that you may be unsure of during your reading, at a later time with friends or family who might know something that you do not. Sometimes what appears to be an unusual message. ends up being a powerful affirmation when you have had the time to put 2 and 2 together. You can also prepare yourself for our reading by taking a few moments to clear your mind, go inside of yourself, and balance and calm your energy. Set the mood of your environment in a way that makes you feel centered and comfortable. Take some time to ask your loved one to come forward, in any way you wish. Put your intention out there: Write it down, meditate, think, talk or pray to them, the day of, or a few days prior to your reading. Remember to have your list of questions on hand, pen & paper for notes, as well as checking into any pertinent family history so that you are prepared for any "other" visitors. Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim. ~ ENDURING CONTENTMENT ~ "You're so different, so peaceful." For years, my Mediumship has been an informal, loving event shared amongst friends. After watching my best friend try to cope with the loss of her mother (for over a year), she finally got to the place where she was ready for a reading, and hoping that it would help her progress with her healing, she asked for my help. Because I knew both her and her mother, I was concerned whether the reading would be hard for me, and how genuine the information conveyed would feel to her. The reading absolutely amazed both of us (as well as the 2 other people there); Her mother cooperated and came through with information even I had no way of knowing, and she has been forever changed. Everyone who knows her sees this, her husband asking "What happened to you? You're so different, so peaceful. " This change has been ongoing, lasting and life altering. The first hand healing I have witnessed on a very personal level, is what compels me to offer my guidance; It is something that I have always known I was here to do. I feel that I have to share this gift with others who are in pain, grieving the loss of a loved one , or anyone who just needs the reassurance that their loved one is still with them. To those of you seeking personal validation of what is on The Other Side, as part of your spiritual growth and understanding, I can help. As you can see from my testimonials, you will likely feel very satisfied and content after your reading, and may want to share your experience with others you are close to. Keep in mind as you do this, that even people you would expect to be open, understanding and supportive, can sometimes unexpectedly become skeptical. I tell you this so that it doesn't catch you off guard; Their reaction should not discount your experience, which is yours alone and is very real, whether anyone else validates it or not. It can be hard for others, even if they are open-minded, to fully understand, unless they have personally experienced their own meaningful reading. I have also found from feedback I have received from my clients, that this new sense of peace is ongoing and lasting. So remember, hold on to what you know in your heart and soul: This IS real, you just have to BELIEVE. "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." ~Einstein
- FAQ'S | United States | Light Beyond the Veil.com
Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More Spiritual Healing with Aliya Frequently Asked Questions How long is a typical reading? The average reading is about an hour, give or take. It takes a lot of energy both for myself as well as the spirits, to connect, so it seems after an hour the energy seems to begin to wane. There is no way of telling how much information the other side will come through with, which is why my rate structure is open-ended, as the spirit world does not acknowledge our concept of time and space. I want each of my clients to get the most they can from their reading and not feel restricted by time. Is a phone reading the same or as accurate as an in person reading? If so, how can that be? Yes, actually in many ways a phone reading is preferred by many. You and I both can be in our own personal spaces where we're comfortable, avoiding traffic and other hassles. Also, there can be no doubt that the reading is tainted by the Medium reading your body language etc. As I said above, the spirit world is not restricted by time and space, so it is possible for them to connect with you and I both simultaneously, in different places. Additionally, a phone reading allows you the option of having your session recorded as well. Ultimately, it is up to you to choose which is more meaningful to you, based on your needs and preferences. I do occasionally schedule in person readings per special request, but telephone readings are typically more readily available. Can you contact more than one person? Yes, I can, the goal for a Medium is to separate the energies and their messages. I feel that you receive the most complete messages if we focus on the primary few that you wish to connect with, as sometimes with too many, their messages can become abbreviated if they are vying for time, or one energy can overshadow a more quiet energy. They realize that for them as well as for me, time is of the essence, as we all have only so much energy for a given session, and some can be pushier than others. I recommend that if there are several you really need to connect with, to break it up into different sessions, to get the most from each being. Also, there is only so much you can absorb, knowing this, they may limit their messages. Can one reading really help, or will I need more to get results? For most people, 1 reading really does help, and makes a lasting difference. Unless, as I mentioned above, there are several beings you wish to connect with. Also, if you are interested in connecting with your Spirit Guides as well as your loved ones, I like to schedule separate sessions for this. Sometimes your Guides will come through during a normal reading, but most of the time, they want your complete attention. The process to connect with these types of beings is different, so I prefer to do them separately. Can I ask questions during the reading? Yes you may. I actually welcome questions after I have shared with you the preliminary information that I have received. I only ask that if I am conveying their messages, please don't interrupt me, and make a note to go back to later. Often, if I am interrupted they go on without me, so it's important that I keep up. This is especially true with Spirit Guides, as they operate from a higher level, and share a lot of information very quickly. I only ask that your question's intention in not to “test” me or prove to yourself that the process is real. It's disrespectful to both your loved one and I, and is a lack of faith in the process which blocks the energy and the process. You will not get the best reading possible until you are more open , and should wait until then to seek a reading. I’ve heard that Mediums can’t stay connected for very long, how long can you do a reading? I have been able to do readings for several hours, it just depends on how long the information keeps flowing, and when I get tired. They seem to be able to tell when I need to be done, and will usually begin pulling away when they feel my energy has dropped. I have not had a reading that is less than 1 ½ hour, and sometimes they can last as long as 3 hours. If I live overseas can you still do a reading for me? Yes, we will just need to keep in mind time differences when scheduling your session. Also, you will be calling a telephone number in the US, so just keep this in mind. Should I take notes during my reading? (benefits of notes vs. recording) You may take notes, or for telephone readings choose to have it recorded. You can also record your in person session yourself, although sometimes their energy can interfere with electronics and it will not work. The benefit of recording versus notes is that it allows you to focus more on what you are hearing that what you are trying to remember to write. Will you remember the details of my reading if I forget? I will not likely remember the details of your reading. Being looked after as I am from the other side, I believe that they know I can not possibly carry the weight of all the emotions and information that is shared in my sessions, without it affecting my well being. This why taking notes or recording your session is advisable for your future reference. How much information should I share when I contact you? Every Medium operates differently, some want nothing, some want more. I personally want only the name of those you wish to contact. If you give too much, it can interfere with you feeling that the messages and validations are authentic, that it is indeed your loved one. It also helps me to remain objective and keep the messages flowing, and to know that the messages are coming from “them” and not my mind inserting information that you have previously shared. During your reading, I may ask "Does this make sense? Do you understand the information?" that's when I appreciate validation to know that I am on the right track. Why do most Psychic Mediums say to come to a reading with no expectations? For many reasons.. It's important to enter your reading with an open mind and no expectations, being grateful for whatever they choose to come through with. I realize this is easier said than done, but is very important if you want to really hear their messages and validations, leaving you with a sense of peace and satisfaction. It is disappointing for all concerned, if you approach your reading thinking that “if it is really them” that they will come through with specific pieces of information, and if they don't, you discount all the other validations that they did choose to come through with. Many times they will come through with those expected messages, but other times they come through with other, equally meaningful validations. In any case, it's to your benefit to remain open to anything. If you aren't, it blocks the natural flow of energy, and can interfere with their efforts as well as mine. None of us understands the reasons why who comes through, when they do, in the way they do. If you really want to connect with The Other Side, you have to let that human part of your thinking go, at least for the duration of your reading, it will also enable you to be more open for future experiences of your own, if you learn to do this in your everyday life. Also, they have “free will” just as we do, so expecting them to “prove” anything to you and having expectations about what you think they should say, (or who should come through) is disrespectful on your part. Just as with God, when connecting with the spiritual realm, your ability to have a certain level of “blind faith” is necessary and beneficial. How do you connect to spirits? It is one of those experiences that is hard to describe, if you haven't experienced it yourself. Unlike many Psychic Mediums, I usually do not 'receive' all of the time, but only when I open myself to their messages and energy. Occasionally, a very determined spirit will slip through when I am not asking, that's when they usually have important business, like being concerned for a loved one. It is a very subtle connection when communicating with spirit, for me it is not an obvious form standing in the room that I actually see and hear. I must separate their messages from my own normal thought process, and try to interpret their messages correctly. This is why having too much information from you beforehand can interfere, because then I am wondering if it is coming from them, or if it is in my head from what you told me. And just like here in life, some spirits are very good communicators, and others are not so good, or are still learning. So what is the actual process to connect? All of us, whether here or on The Other Side, are vibration/energy. We humans have physical/chemical bodies as well as our vibration, spirits don't have the physical/chemical bodies that we do, they are all vibration. Depending on whether you are in spirit form, or human form, the vibrational frequencies vary. A good analogy that illustrates this is, to imagine the different manifestations of water. We as humans are ice, vibrating at a lower more 'dense' frequency, and spirit is the 'lighter' steam or vapor, vibrating at a higher frequency. In order for humans to communicate with spirit (and vice versa) we must raise (or speed up) our frequency and they must lower (or slow down) theirs. Communication takes place in the middle, where the ice melts; water. What do they say, what are their messages about, why does this help people? Their messages usually are about validations, affirmations, unfinished business, appreciation and love. It usually depends on what they know you need. Readings will usually start off with validating who they are, physical, personality, where they lived, their interests, how they died, your relationship etc. (which I will then need you to verify for me), then we can move on to other messages. If one of your major issues has been that you think they are really gone and not still with you, their messages may have to do with what they have been witnessing in your life, to show you that they are indeed still with you sharing your experiences. If you have issues about how they were in life, for example someone who was negative or had many problems, many of their messages will clarify that they have learned and moved past those human issues to be at peace, this sometimes depends on how long they have been on The Other Side. They will validate how you remember them as humans, but rarely will they hold on to the same "issues" as spirit; part of being spirit, is seeing things clearly'inhuman', learning and moving past that. If you had end of life issues regarding unfinished business, they will sometimes address that. It can be a very conversational experience, as you are asking a question, I will hear their answer which helps me to connect to them even more. I also to know feel their personalities as they were here on earth, sometimes evensharing funny inside jokes etc. Their messages convey love and healing; knowing that our loved ones are safe and well and really are still with us is why this experience helps so many people. Will they tell me what I should do, what directions I should take? Many times they do, or sometimes if you ask specific questions, they will give you answers. If they were very opinionated in life they may give more advice, than if they were the type of person that always let you figure out things for yourself. Just remember, we don't always like to hear what we need to hear, (but they aren't unkind about it). They may advise you to check on a health issue, but they will not share, "scary" information, or tell you things such as when someone else is going to die. Why don't I feel them around me or hear messages on my own? It can be very hard to hear messages from your own loved ones, in fact, many Psychic Mediums can not hear messages from their own loved ones. I think this is because you are so close to them, it is hard to differentiate between what you want to hear or think they would say, to know what they are actually saying. Also, intense grief can get in the way, which is why I encourage others to deal with their grief. Once you have moved past some of the pain, it enables you to be in a more peaceful balanced place. Because of the subtly of communicating or feeling spirits, it is necessary to be spiritually calm to fully be able to hear and feel. One analogy that I think illustrates this well is- Imagine hearing a wind-chime a block away, (this is your loved ones presence) and your neighbor next door is shooting off noisy fireworks (this is your grief)- your grief is so noisy and disruptive it's hard to be quiet and peaceful enough to hear the subtle communication that comes through. The important thing to remember is that your loved ones are always with you, watching over you, whether you feel them or are aware of them or not. If my loved one is always with me as you say they are, do they see everything that I do, do they judge me, are they mad at me? Your loved ones are always with you, however, there are boundaries; our private moments are still our own.. Although they want only the best for us and hope for us to choose wisely, and may tell you that the path you are on is not the right one for your happiness and growth, it comes from a place of love, not judgment. From their perspective on the other side, everything happens as it should, and our path is our own to choose. So no, they do not judge you, and are not usually mad at you for the choices you make. Keeping this in mind, they do seem to expect us to make good, healthy choices, and if you don't, they will certainly let you know. What if when I deal with my grief they will no longer stay with me, what if they don't think I still need them? Many people hold on to their grief as one last connection to their loved ones, thinking that if they get past it, they will loose their connection to their loved one, believing that our loved ones will only stay close to us if we still need them. Holding on to your pain for this reason, is selfish on many levels, not only for those who are left in your life, but for your departed loved one, that desire only your happiness. Remember, your discomfort causes them uneasiness, while your happiness gives them comfort. If anything, your pain can keep them from moving on as peacefully as you would like for them to. But, moving on does not mean, moving away from you, as there is no time and space for them, they will always remain close to you. Going through the grieving process is necessary, but prolonged grieving is damaging. Your loved ones are there for you, always. And while they do stay very close to you in your times of need, they are never far from you, even if you have begun to happily live your life. The reverse is actually true, as they want to share your joys with you as well. What if I think my loved one is angry with me? I may not be ready to deal with that. The other side exists as unconditional love. They may convey characteristics that they had as humans and as a validation for you, but as part of the growth and healing that they experience on the other side, they work through those human issues to forgive and love. They no longer have the human issues that we do, and for us to place those issues on them, is our mistake, not theirs. It is the rare being that still has human issues and has not yet moved past them. With the few that I have encountered, they actually desire to let go and release each-other from past issues as part of their growth and yours, so that you both can move forward in love and peace. What if the loved one I want to connect with does not come through, can you summon them? I cannot demand “at will” for any energy to just arrive for us, we can request, but as everything is “free will”, we cannot demand anything. As you are preparing for a reading there are things you can do to help. You may send out the intention to connect to the energy of your loved one, and ask them to come forward. You may read more about this on my Dynamics page on my web-site under “How you can prepare for your reading”. Having said this, I am very fortunate that the specific being you are hoping to connect with usually does come through, although it is not unusual for others to come through as well. I have yet to have this issue, but if we did, it would probably be due to another spirit having unfinished business that you both need to address. Often, spirits come through together, this happens especially when someone has not been crossed over for very long, they seem to escort and support each-other. If your loved one has not been on The Other Side for very long, and are are still learning how to come through and communicate, they may need the guidance of another spirit that they are close to, in which case, I may pick up on their energy as well. Can evil or bad spirits interrupt my reading, is it dangerous? I DO NOT work with the dark side, demons, or negative energies, spells, witchcraft etc. I choose to focus on the Love and Light. Be aware, there is a difference between "stuck" spirits who are unsettled and need to move on, and negative entities. Although rare, there may be times when I am not comfortable with a spirit, and upon the direction of my guides, will choose not to continue with a reading. In addition to the time spent during each reading, I also spend time meditating and praying in preparation. I am guided by the Love and Light of God and others, this assures that both you and I are sheltered from energy that would manifest in a way contrary to the energy and intention of Love and Light, that we surround ourselves with. What is the difference between incarnate energies and discarnate energies? The simple answer is, incarnate is to give bodily (especially human), form to energy. Discarnate is energy not embodied in physical form. In other words, we all have energy, spirits, or souls, (whatever you wish to call it), and if “it” is manifesting as a physical being, it is incarnated, if it is in spirit form and not embodied, then it is discarnate. Do all Psychic Mediums channel? No, Channeling spirit is very different. During a regular reading with a Psychic Medium the Psychic Medium receives information from higher realms and passes that on to you, and is completely aware of the energies involved. When a Psychic Medium channels, a particular energy communicates directly through the Medium to others, often times even the voice or mannerisms of the Medium changes to reflect that of the spirit that is communicating. Automatic writing is also a form of channeling. I do not channel, but do sometimes utilize a form of automatic writing prior to my readings. Do you have to have been close to one who has passed on for them to come through in a Medium reading? No, it's actually funny to note some of the acquaintances that come through sometimes, that you would never have thought you'd hear from. However, you need to have known them well enough to be able to validate what they comethrough with, since it's you who knew them, not me Can they come through even if they have been gone a long time? Yes, the only difference, is that the longer they are gone the more “of spirit” they tend to come across as, less human if you will. Remember too, that time is different for them, 20 years to us, is but the blink of an eye to them. I have done many readings when the loved one had been passed for as long as 20-40 years. Will my loved one wait for me, will they be there when I cross over, or will they have moved on to do something else? Your loved ones remain connected to you, and will arrange that what they are doing on the other side, corresponds with when you are finished here. Remember as I mentioned above, time is relative. What about if they have just passed, do I need to wait? I have had spirits come through right after they have passed, but that doesn't mean that you are ready. There is no specific time line to know when you are ready, as that varies for each individual. But a reading with a Medium is not a replacement for the normal grieving process, you shouldn't hope to be able to skip ahead, just because you get a reading. It may help you move through the process with more peace and ease, but it can't eliminate it altogether. I would advise that it is not usually a good idea right after your loved one has passed (within a month or so). You need to understand that a reading with your Loved One 2 months after they have passed will be different from how a reading a year later would be, the progress they make and how they communicate and also what you hear according to your grief process. So, as long as you understand that a reading won't fix everything, and you can be realistic, then a reading can be helpful for you at any stage. I have heard that spirits may come through of family that I never even knew, why would that be? Yes, often they do, the family connections seem very strong for them, even if we never knew them. Sometimes they come through with someone you are connected to, to support them. There are so many unknown things, that for any of us to claim we understand how it all works would be ignorant, if not arrogant. Why do you charge for your services, if you truly want to help people why aren't your readings free? First, if you think about it, most people that help others do get paid for their time and services: doctors, nurses, ministers, grief counselors, etc. Not to mention the countless other services that are charged for, that don't even help people. You have to take care of yourself in order to be in the calm, spiritual space that you need to be in to be of service to others, and part of taking care of yourself means being able to pay your bills and taking care of your family. We are each given our "gifts" from God, not only to help others, but to take care of ourselves in the process, so that we can help others. Teachers, carpenters, musicians, artists, each person is given unique gifts, things for which they have a natural aptitude, things which they are passionate about. These things are given to them to help Guide them to their joy, their fulfillment, their purpose, and to help them support themselves and their families. Receiving compensation, allows one to keep going, to keep helping. Helping others in this way is my passion, and is what God wants me to do, so through this, he makes sure I am taken care of, so that I can keep doing it. Also considering that unlike other “jobs”, because of the energy it takes, rarely can a Medium do readings for a solid 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and I have found that trying to work full time elsewhere takes my time, energy and attention away from doing this. The reality is that the fee paid for a session has to include the time making the arrangements, spiritual preparation, the reading itself and winding down afterward. If you are not careful, balanced and rested, you can not connect to the other side and continue helping others. I do donate my services trying to make my services accessible to those in need as well. Aren't traditional grief counselors and support groups better? I don't know that anyone can say that one way or another is better for everyone. Each person has unique needs, experiences and viewpoints that dictate what is most beneficial for them. We each have our own thoughts and paths, but for a lot of people, this is one piece of the healing process that helps them remember and know that their loved one is still there, which can help get them past the spiraling thought processes that seem to keep them stuck in a prolonged grieving process. Numerous bereavement groups have started to find that this type of spiritual healing, through credible Psychic Mediums, to be the missing link for many of the bereaved. Is a Medium Reading a substitute for the normal grieving process and/or counseling? Definitely not. Although it can certainly be used in conjunction with, prior to, or after grief counseling (but not instead of), unless of course after a reading, you find that it has helped you immensely, as it has many people. How do you prepare for your readings? I pray, meditate, and connect with your loved one, sometimes through a process similar to automatic writing, prior to your reading, so that I am prepared, and “know” your loved one before we begin. Do you assist with hauntings, and other paranormal investigations? Sometimes I do; I ask for the direction of my guides, and then I will proceed if they feel I can safely help, my approach to this type of interaction is “guarded” however. I offer information about what I feel and am receiving from the energies, I will also offer to help them move on, however often times they are not ready to do so, at which point I may recommend that you to seek the services of someone who specifically specializes in clearing energies. Can negative entities or evil spirits attach themselves to us? What if I think I have one attached to me? There are negative energies; in the universe there is dark/light, positive/negative, good/bad, yin/yang etc.~ it is all part of the balance. If there was no bad, could you appreciate the good? However, I believe that what we acknowledge and let into our space is a personal choice, and I choose to not give the negative energy the power, control and attention that it needs to manifest. My belief is that by acknowledging “it”, you give “it” the control that “it”seeks. For a long time I didn't believe in evil attaching to people, and as much as I would like to say otherwise, I have seen evidence over my lifetime to suggest that it can and does happen. I believe that some Psychics focus far too much on the negative energy and fear, thereby feeding the negative energy and preying upon the fears of others; if anyone has told you that there is something attached to you, I would personally question this information and continue to seek advice of credible, spiritual practitioners. Often times, when someone is feeling lost, confused, or disconnected from God, it is just the negative energy that is around us in general from the negativity in the world. Many times I have found that this happens with people who have spiritual gifts that they are not acknowledging and developing; when you ignore your gifts and your relationship with God (however you wish to define that), this can cause you to feel pain, stuck, lost, confused etc. It is a good time to consider consulting either a traditional therapist, or a spiritual counselor like myself, who can offer directions from your higher being, your loved ones, guides and angels. Very useful information, direction and love can be conveyed that really can give you the tools to become connected to higher energy and know how to move forward in love and light. Of course if it is decided that there is negative energy attached to someone, it is my feeling that spiritual healers who specialize in energy clearing, as well as clergy, both have an important role in moving forward with clear energy. One of the most important choices we can make is to consciously surround ourselves with the white light and love of God every moment of every day, and not just saying “I'll try” but by just simply doing it, and not making it harder than it is. Do messages always come through to you clearly, or is there interpretation involved? Depending on the spirit, their personality, how long they have been crossed over, etc. some messages come through very clearly, and with others there is more interpretation that is needed. The trick for any Medium is to separate your mind and thoughts from what you are receiving from spirit. They will send many different messages, and depending on the Psychic Medium's own experience, how they receive, and their own unique life experience, they will get some but not all of the messages. Often times people come to a reading thinking “If this is real, then he will validate one specific piece of information (like his ring I wear ever day etc),” we as humans seem to think we know how things should happen, and when they don't, our faith waivers, instead of being open to the process and whatever comes through. Even if they don't mention the specific detail that you think they should, their personality and the messages they come through with will still validate they are coming through for you. And sometimes they may have validated that message, but the Medium didn't get it, or they validate other things meant to confirm their existence. It takes a lot of energy on both the Medium's part and that of the spirit, they have to lower their vibration, and I have to raise mine, until we connect. Often times in the beginning, it is like fine tuning an am radio station that doesn't come in very clearly, first one way, then back, until you get it as clear as you can, then once you are connected to them, ignore the static and proceed. However, spirits are just as we are, some communicate very clearly, and are very open, and others more quiet and shy, these differences will also affect how the Mediums receives messages. Sometimes, things will come through in opposites, the Medium gets black dog, and they meant white cat, but usually once the Medium figures out the communication style they can refine the messages. The key to all of this however is, that the messages have to be validated by you, for the Medium to know if they are on the right track or not, after all, it is you who had the relationship with them, not me, what they show me will make more sense to you then it will to me. This is especially true when more than one spirit comes through together, which may be someone you knew as well, or someone your loved one is close to that you didn't know well or at all. It is then that I will need your help to separate the messages and define the energies as separate as initially sometimes they feel like one being, then I can try to give you their messages and characteristics separately. I find for myself, that if I deliver the message as I get it, without trying to interpret it, that it will make much more sense to you. An example, I once got a message from a father, saying “my funny little shoes”, the daughter laughed and said her father used to cut the toes off of all of his shoes. Had I tried to interpret this, what do you think I would have done to that? It was so much out of the realm of my experience, that I was much better to off to just say what he gave me, and let her figure out what he meant. Sometimes it seems odd that we get the strange, unexpected validations that we do (like the shoes mentioned above) when we wanted to hear something more meaningful, why this happens no one can really say, other than that they are beings with free will and we can not script what it is we expect for them to convey. We just have to appreciate the validations and affirmations that we do receive, and not question why. A few good analogies that describe this process of interpreting their communication is: playing charades, putting a puzzle together, or my favorite, translating a foreign language. They show me pictures, that then I have to interpret and figure out how to convey to you, and then you have to be open minded enough to hear what I'm saying and help me, so that we can figure out what they mean together. Can you get messages from spirits who spoke languages other than English while they lived here on earth? Yes, in the above story (referring to his shoes), he had spoken Spanish while alive, and I do not. I could tell he was communicating his ideas a little differently, but it felt like an accent to me. It will help the clarity of your reading, and in helping me to interpret the messages, if you have a fairly good grasp of the English language yourself. I have found that extreme cultural differences are harder to interpret, when he showed me images I could relate to them, but when a Chinese woman did, they were so out of the realm of my experience I didn't know what she was showing me much of the time. However, there is a universal language shared by all on the other side, that is unaffected by time, place, and even language. Where is the spirit world, are my loved ones in Heaven? Heaven is all around us, not above or otherwise. Everything is made up of energy and vibrations, here and there. The vibration of the physical world is slow and dense, whereas the spirit world vibrates at a much higher rate. If you envision water in it's different forms, as liquid, ice (here on Earth) or vapor (the spiritual realms). There is a thin layer (I think of this as “The Veil”) between this world and the spirit world, the only thing separating us, is the frequency of the vibrations. They often times come through with information that where they are in a “physical” place, with beauty all around them, music, food, colors, etc. that they help others, have jobs and even animals surrounding them. How and why this is I don't know, I believe that we are not meant to understand certain aspects while we are here, again, this is where “blind faith” is necessary.. I do know, that the spirit world is made up of pure, unconditional love and light. What do our Angels or Spirit Guides do, what type of messages do they give? It depends on where you are on your spiritual journey as to what type of guidance they will offer. If you are fairly spiritually advanced and knowledgeable and have already begun seeking your purpose, their messages may be pretty “deep”, or if you're just beginning to seek answers, they may come through with your purpose and what directions will help you to further your understanding and connection. Either way, their goal is always to offer you divine love, guidance and support for you to live your happiest life and fulfill your purpose for this life. Often times they do this by offering “clues”, which they want you to be able to figure out on your own to further your own understanding. In other words, they don't just give you all the answers at once, but offer continual guidance based on the progress you make on your own. There are also many different types of Guides, and they play different roles in our lives, often working together, or only for certain purposes or periods in our lives; it is very unique to each individual. Please read more about working with your guides, in my reply to the next question. I have these gifts and I feel like I should share them and help people. I have been ignoring my abilities, but I want to listen now. What can I do? Can you help me to know how to move forward with my spiritual path? Yes, I would suggest beginning by having a session to contact your Spirit Guides, and depending on where you are in your journey, they will assist by sharing direction on how you can best proceed. The information will vary depending on how far you have evolved spiritually. First, make sure you have spent some time in preparation, mentally asking them what you want to know, but also thanking them for their guidance, spending some time on gratitude for everything they have already done for you, (even if you were not always aware of them), appreciating their love, guidance and time. Being grateful for your life and blessings in general. You must be prepared to leave any old conditioning, ideas, thoughts, preconceived notions, hurts, resentments, negativity etc. behind, and be prepared to moved forward, in Love & Peace. Time will tell if they will be simple and brief, or complex and deep, or somewhere in between, but be prepared for anything. Hear what you are being told, rather then thinking of what you want to ask or say. Be in the Now. They are different, have a different perspective and communicate differently, so you'll need to raise your consciousness. Realizing this, choose your questions with consideration. Imagine if you will, a loving, but firm teacher, not giving answers but leading you to find them on your own, this is how your Guides are. If you are really ready to work with them, you need to quiet your mind, to really "hear" them, leaving your expectations at the door, respect the journey they will take you on, and ultimately trust them and yourself. As with many other things in life, be prepared to not necessarily hear what you want to hear, but be open to whatever they share.. Realize that they may not share everything right up front, as they may expect you to find out many things on your own, based on your own receptivity and growth. In essence, you must be ready to be spiritually awakened, by this journey you are beginning. Make sure you are really prepared... If you choose to book a session to contact your Spirit Guides, I will provide more information to you regarding the process, depending on where you are on your journey. I personally will also offer useful suggestions based on what they convey, that will help you on your journey, which may include levels of mentor ship if you desire. I have heard that Mediums generally do not have the ability to communicate with loved ones as well as Spirit Guides, that it's usually one or the other, why can you communicate with both? I don’t really know, and I’m not sure that anyone can definitively say that they do know, other than to say I am very blessed and have spent many years learning how to utilize my gifts, and that’s just how they have manifested for me. I have heard many Psychic Mediums talk about just walking up to someone and sharing messages that they are getting from the other side, do you do this with strangers and/or people you know? I do not. For me, the door has to be opened by a request. I am very fortunate that I am able to operate in my day to day life, without being constantly bombarded by messages from the other side. Through many years of refining my gift, I have been able to find the fine line of trusting my intuition and the helpful I guidance I receive throughout my day, without receiving messages for anyone, anytime. I have purposely worked on this, because I do not believe it is appropriate to offer messages to someone “out of the blue” when they may or may not be ready for it. It is their personal path, and their responsibility to seek. If I am meant to help, the opportunity will present itself, when the time is right for them. If I do receive a message that a spirit wishes to share, I ask the spirit to lead the person to me so that I can share their messages. Do you filter any of the messages that spirits give you? Or do you share them in their purity, regardless of whether the information may hurt me? Let me start by explaining, that there are many Psychic Mediums who aren't necessarily operating from their highest intent. As with any profession, there are both positive and negative individuals practicing. We all know that in our daily life, it isn't always what is said, but how it's said. It is the same thing for Psychic Mediums, when they are not balanced and working from loving intent. I've heard many sad stories of things that have been told to my clients by other “Psychics”, that should not have been, often times this comes from their own issues, rather than anything that spirit has conveyed. It is not a matter of not sharing a message, but considering the wording, and/or asking spirit to rephrase a message in a way that you are comfortable conveying, if necessary. It is a question I often ask myself, how there are Mediums that are not operating from loving intent, one would think they would not be given the gift, if they are not centered in “right intent”, but sadly, that is not always the case. Because of this, you need to be very careful and aware when choosing a Medium, and find one that understands the impact they can have on you, and takes this responsibility very seriously. Also, a reputable Psychic Medium will be there for you in the future if you need them, but will also encourage you to move on and allow you to feel your loved ones near without their help, without attempting to keep you tied to them and future consultations, through dependency. That being said, it is a very fine line to be true to spirit and convey their messages, while also being aware of someone's emotional delicacy. For me, I believe that when you are centered in loving intent, this usually works itself out, without you having to gauge whether you should share a message or not. Also, keeping in the mind, that beings on the other side, typically, do not hold on to their old human issues, they communicate very much from love and light, they want only to help you by sharing messages of love and encouragement, not judgment or pain. This doesn't mean they always tell you what you want to hear, as sometimes we don't want to hear the truth or take responsibility, but you should seriously reconsider any messages a Psychic has conveyed that tells you otherwise. One example I heard from a client regarding her prior reading with an astrologer: “You haven't felt your father near you because he says he's still angry with you”. This Psychic was an astrologer, not a Psychic Medium, and not only was this untrue, but very irresponsible as well. Would you go to a dermatologist to operate on your heart? I think not, Psychic Mediums specialize in contacting loved ones on the other side, that is what they spend the majority of their time doing, it is their specialty. You should not rely on Psychics, Astrologers, Tarot card readers etc. to contact your loved ones, but only a reputable, credible, responsible Psychic Medium. So then, what is the difference between a Psychic and a Psychic Medium? Even though we are called "Psychic Mediums" there is a difference between a Psychic reading and a Psychic Medium reading. There is a phrase used that describes the difference well: "All Psychic Mediums are Psychics, but not all Psychics are Mediums." In other words, Psychics connect with your energy to obtain information about your past, present and future and provide guidance based on this information. Psychic Mediums connect with energy from The Other Side, this can be your loved ones that have crossed over, guides, angels etc. which provide validations, affirmations, and information, as well as guidance. Often times direction is conveyed during my reading, but it is not coming from you or I, but from the spirit realms. There are a few different types of Mediums : mental, trance, physical, and channeling. I am a Mental Medium, which is best described as communication of spirits with a Medium by telepathy. Of the 7 "Psychic senses," I have 5: Clairvoyance (the ability to see anything which is not physically present, such as objects, animals or people, this sight occurs "in the mind’s eye"). Clairsentience (also called Psychometry) involves getting a glimpse of other realities or even entities through a sense of touch. This can occur when a Psychic touches a person and receives feelings, or by touching an object, then receives visions, it can also be the physical sensations a Psychic experiences when being touched by a spirit, not to be confused with Clairsentinence in which the Medium takes on the ailments of a spirit in their physical body prior to death. Clairaudience is usually defined as the ability to hear thevoices or thoughts of spirits, some Mediums hear as though they are listening to a person talking to them on the outside of their head, as though the Spirit is next to or near to the Medium, and other Mediums (like myself) hear the voices in their minds as a verbal thought. Claircognizance is the ability to know something without receiving it through normal or Psychic senses, it is a feeling of "just knowing". Often, a Medium will claim to have the feeling that a message or situation is "right" or "wrong. I try not to over analyze the "how's" or "why's," as I believe that it is something that just is. The Psychic Medium mentally hears, sees, and/or feels messages from spirits, passing along the information to the message recipient(s), who can then interpret their meaning. Or more simply, I connect with loved ones from The Other Side, and share their messages with you. You should ascertain what it is you are seeking, and then choose the appropriate guidance, either Psychic or Psychic Medium. You would not go to a dermatologist if you needed heart surgery right? Can children and miscarriages or stillborns come through? Yes, and they often times do, even if you are not aware of them. If that is where your grief lies, and they are the being you want to connect with, they will come through, as they are close to you. Often times, they come through with another being, usually an angel or other being of light. You need to remember that if their life experience was limited, their references to it will be as well. Why do people need Psychics or Mediums, can't we all do this on our own if we each have the special spiritual gifts that you say we do? Those on the other side, will come through in their own way, and it IS up to each of you to receive messages from them on your own. I would be the last person to tell you that I am more capable of doing this then you yourself are. The deceased come through all the time, for all of us. Ultimately it is a personal choice to gain the awareness to hear, if we listen, they are there, for all of us, but there are many factors to it, that can affect our individual abilities to do so, as with any other ability. Often times grief itself can interfere with our spiritual balance, which in turn can interfere with our ability to connect. It is up to each of you as individuals, to choose what you believe and find your own gifts; To be open and experience your own journey. These spiritual journeys don't come easily, they come from dedication, patience, and faith, but most of all from being in a positive place of growth. It matters less what others tell us, than what we choose to tell ourselves. How do I know what you are doing is real, since I myself can not do it? I believe that each of us has special gifts of a spiritual nature, but as with physical, human skills, they vary greatly. You do have special gifts, but whether Mediumship is among them, is something that only you can find out. A good Psychic Medium can and should help you to tune into your spiritual awareness if you desire. I would like to tell you that everyone can do this, but I don't like to put that pressure on people, especially if you personally are not able to. It's like saying "Can anyone be a musician?" Well, with enough time, patience and dedication, perhaps anyone can play an instrument, but the end product will vary greatly. Some could be great, others not so much. And I think we all know that we are not all musicians here on Earth! Perhaps that too is a good analogy, we each play a different spiritual instrument, maybe mine is a violin, and yours, a piano. Do Psychic messages or predictions come through during your readings? Do they ever predict death or other disturbing information? They often times will share information about direction, and things you can do that are beneficial as well as information about what is going on with other family members. Predicting death or otherwise disturbing messages is not something they convey, it is my belief that either they are not “allowed” to, or they just don't know themselves. I personally am glad that they do not, as I personally would not be comfortable sharing this information, luckily I don't have to decide whether to or not. What if I am unsure if I should get a reading, or am nervous about it? I think everyone is a little nervous prior to their reading, but I believe that is different from being unsure in general. If you are unsure, or there is someone you have been trying to convince that they should do it but they are uncomfortable with it, then definitely you or they should not do it until you are ready. If you are meant to do it, there will come a time, when you will know that you're ready. What if I am skeptical about this, should I get a reading? Well, that's a somewhat difficult question to answer. Many people that have gone into a reading were skeptical, but had their minds changed because of what was conveyed. I think a certain level of awareness and discernment is not only healthy, but necessary. Alternately, I think if you are setting out to disprove me or the process, it is a waste of everyone's time and energy as well as your money. Too much skepticism blocks the energy and natural flow of what could be, so you will never really know what could have been explored if your mind and spirit had remained open to the process. Have you ever participated in any studies regarding Mediumship? Yes, I have. I was invited to participate with a study, which I did for a time. I decided to withdraw from the study because I did not feel that it was centered in right intent, keeping in mind the needs of the loved ones who were in pain, and honoring the process of sharing the message from the discarnates (spirits). The focus was on the numbers, and not keeping the energies involved as the priority, ethically I did not feel I could continue. I was found to be very accurate, but for me, that doesn't really matter, because in my heart and soul, I Know this to be real, and I know the help I have offered to others has helped them and changed their lives, that is my absolute proof, and for many this has succeeded where traditional grief counseling has not. My goal is not to change the mind of non-believers, but to reach those people that are seeking, and help them with their growth. Are Ouija boards really dangerous? Yes, I do not encourage the use of Ouija boards, as I believe that they can open a “door” to otherwise unwelcome energies, that can then be difficult to manage, once here. Curious teenagers can be especially susceptible to negative energies that are looking for opportunities to manifest their energy and impose their will. You must know, that when you are working with the other side, it is important that the energies are respected; this is not a game. "Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room, I shall be able to see." ~Helen Keller "The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." ~Albert Einstein LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL
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Book a Reading Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More "There is a sacredness in tears.... They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition and of unspeakable love." ~Washington Irving Frequently Asked Questions How long is a typical reading? The average reading is about an hour, give or take. It takes a lot of energy both for myself as well as the spirits, to connect, so it seems after an hour the energy seems to begin to wane. There is no way of telling how much information the other side will come through with, which is why I changed my rate structure to be open-ended, as the spirit world does not acknowledge our concept of time and space. I want each of my clients to get the most they can from their reading and not feel restricted by time. Is a phone reading the same or as accurate as an in person reading? If so, how can that be? Yes, actually in many ways a phone reading is preferred by many. You and I both can be in our own personal spaces where we're comfortable, avoiding traffic and other hassles. Also, there can be no doubt that the reading is tainted by the Medium reading your body language etc. As I said above, the spirit world is not restricted by time and space, so it is possible for them to connect with you and I both simultaneously, in different places. Additionally, a phone reading allows you the option of having your session recorded as well. Ultimately, it is up to you to choose which is more meaningful to you, based on your needs and preferences. I do occasionally schedule in person readings per special request, but telephone readings are typically more readily available. Can you contact more than one person? Yes, I can, the goal for a Medium is to separate the energies and their messages. I feel that you receive the most complete messages if we focus on the primary few that you wish to connect with, as sometimes with too many, their messages can become abbreviated if they are vying for time, or one energy can overshadow a more quiet energy. They realize that for them as well as for me, time is of the essence, as we all have only so much energy for a given session, and some can be pushier than others. I recommend that if there are several you really need to connect with, to break it up into different sessions, to get the most from each being. Also, there is only so much you can absorb, knowing this, they may limit their messages. Can one reading really help, or will I need more to get results? For most people, 1 reading really does help, and makes a lasting difference. Unless, as I mentioned above, there are several beings you wish to connect with. Also, if you are interested in connecting with your Spirit Guides as well as your loved ones, I like to schedule separate sessions for this. Sometimes your Guides will come through during a normal reading, but most of the time, they want your complete attention. The process to connect with these types of beings is different, so I prefer to do them separately. FAQ'S PAGE 2
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Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL Spiritual Readings with Aliya Book a Reading Session You can request a session by emailing me at Aliya@PsychicMediumAliya.com I prefer email contact, as it helps me with scheduling, and to have an ongoing point of reference for your unique individual request. I DO NOT: Conduct call in Readings; in other words, please don't call expecting me to be able to give you a reading on the spot. My schedule is very busy, and I honor each client with the time and attention which is necessary for me to prepare. Perform magic, spells, witchcraft or the like. Predict the future; direction often comes through during your session, but I am not a fortune teller. However, feel free to call if you have questions, but please LEAVE A MESSAGE if you are unable to reach me, and I will return your call as soon as I possibly can. I try to reply to emails or voicemails within 48 hours so that we can choose a mutually acceptable date to schedule your appointment. I fully recognize that there are times when one can feel an overwhelming, urgent need for a session, but it is important for you to understand that most reputable practitioners have busy schedules and are usually not available immediately. There are psychics who will be, but I would not recommend seeking their guidance. The same is equally true regarding rates; some Psychics may have lower rates, but again, you want your needs to be met. Also, while all Mediums are Psychics, not all Psychics are Mediums, you want to be sure you select the correct type of psychic if you are wising to contact your loved ones, one who has the experience and sensitivity required when supporting those who are grieving. It is better to wait and get what you need, trusting in the timing of things, than to push it and waste not only your time and money, but put yourself in the position of being misled or compromised emotionally. My point is, it is worth your wait, to find someone you feel good about, one who has a solid reputation and client recommendations. I do try to make urgent appointments for those who have an immediate need. Just let me know in your initial contact, and I will reply as soon as possible By contacting me, you certify that you are at least 18 years of age; readings are available for minors, with the participation of a parent or guardian. If you are visiting Estes Park, and want a reading on short notice, please email me, and I will do my best to fit your request into my schedule. READING SESSION RATES Unlike many other Psychic Mediums, my rates are Not based on time, I also do not limit the number of questions that you may ask during your session. Typically the average session lasts 1 hour, sometimes they are more or (rarely) less; these rates cover your session regardless of how long it may take. Since our concept of time means nothing to those who have crossed over, I do not limit readings in this way. PHONE: $175.00 PER PERSON Telephone Sessions are available worldwide via conference calling. All phone sessions are recorded, and an MP3 copy provided to each participant for future reference, at no additional charge. IN PERSON: $250.00 PER PERSON In person sessions are conducted in Estes Park, Colorado. You are welcome to bring a device to record your session. The price for in-person sessions are higher as the logistics are more involved for me. Telephone sessions are equally as accurate. If you are seeking an In Person Group Reading , individual rates are discounted to $220 per person, for readings with 4 or more people. For further information, contact me by Email with the details regarding your group reading needs. These readings are a fun, healing, interactive group experience. Grief Workshops and Intensive Weekend Mountain Retreats are also available, which can provide clarification, profound healing and transformation, and the continued illumination of The Other Side, through the sharing of personal experiences in a spiritual, relaxed, safe, comfortable environment. Contact me for rates and schedules. PAYMENT Once we have tentatively agreed upon an appointment time in email correspondence, you can then return to this page to securely and safely pay for your session with all major credit cards or your bank account, using the PayPal link below. After I have received notice of your payment, your appointment will be formally confirmed and set. I apologize, but I do not accept personal checks. Mostly it is loss which teaches us about the worth of things. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS Refunds are not given for services either performed, or scheduled. If something interferes with the originally scheduled appointment time, an alternate time will need to be scheduled for your session. If you have scheduled an in person session, and can not attend, but would instead prefer a phone reading, you will be credited the difference only if the appointment is rescheduled at least 72 hours prior to the time of the original in person appointment. O nce a reading has been given, my services and my time have already been utilized. Likewise, once a reading has been scheduled, time has been reserved for you, usually to the exclusion of others, and rearranging schedules for myself and other clients is a time consuming ordeal that I wish to avoid, so that I can instead concentrate my efforts on being the best I can be, for you. Thank you for your understanding. SUBMITTING YOUR PAYMENT CONSTITUTES AN EXPLICIT ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. Native American Prayer for the Grieving I give you this one thought to keep~ I am with you still I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glint on the snow, I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not think of me as gone~ I am with you still In each new dawn..
- Memories | United States | Light Beyond the Veil.com
Book a Reading Services Testimonials Book a Session FAQ'S How it Works Understanding Grief Interesting Links My Story Search Results More LIGHT BEYOND THE VEIL Spiritual Readings with Aliya Love IS Stronger than Death. "The best & most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." ~Helen Keller If love could have saved you, You would have lived forever... My Beloved's Obituary Federico Montez Gonzales Jr. "Freddie" crossed over and became truly free on December 5th, 2017. He was born in Brownsville Texas on December 22, 1967 to his parents that he is survived by, Fred Gonzales Sr. & Guadalupe Montez Bedford. Although his life had more than his fair share of difficulties, he touched everyone he met with his charisma, charm and his amazing smile. Freddie felt blessed to be loved by his family and friends and to live in this amazing place. In memory of Freddie, live as he did- Appreciate the overwhelming wonder and beauty of nature. When you see a homeless person, give them money. When you see an animal, pet it. When you see something beautiful, slow down and take a picture of it. When you see someone who is sad, stop and talk to them. When you have a chance to make a child happy, do it. When you see a flower, smell it. When there's work to be done, do it. When you see pretty things, appreciate them. Wake up every day singing. When there's a hamburger, eat it. Watch Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer every year. When you hear music, sing and dance to it. Be happy. Appreciate people, thank them. Be patient with people. If someone is lonely, be there for them. Remember people's birthdays. Show people how much you love them. When people need help, give it to them. Make people feel special, listen, and engage them. Meet people wherever they are on their journeys. Always follow your heart. Smile, smile, and smile again. And if you see a helicopter, well... He is survived by his devoted wife Aliya whom he deeply loved, his step-son Zane who he loved like a brother and his mother-in-law Stephanie who he was a committed, loving caregiver to. He has a large extended family and many friends who will forever hold a special place in his heart. He was loved by many and will be remembered by all. Watch for him in the sunsets and the butterflies, he'll be with us in one form or another, I promise you that. When I die Give what’s left of me away To children And old men that wait to die. And if you need to cry, Cry for your brother Walking the street beside you And when you need me, Put your arms Around anyone And give to them What you need to give to me. I want to leave you something, Something better Than words Or sounds. Look for me In the people I’ve known Or loved, And if you cannot give me away, At least let me live in your eyes And not on your mind. You can love me most By letting Hands touch hands By letting Bodies touch bodies Love doesn’t die, People do. So, when all that’s left of me Is love, Give me away.. Alone, I grieve Quietly, I cry Alone, I walk Quietly, I remember Alone, I wish Quietly, I endure Alone, I'll never forget you Quietly, I Love You.. ~Aliya to My Freddie May the radiance and beauty of their lives never be defined by their death.. "Our goodness is what survives death, and so we cultivate that goodness in ourselves as well as nurture and celebrate the goodness of others around us, continuing to do so when they have passed." ~Sarah Conover My Love for you will Never cease. You are my missing piece... It's being without him that I will Never get used to. ..and sometimes, just sometimes, when people say Forever, they mean it... IN PEACE GO HOME Through veils of peace may you ascend To promised planes above Where comfort shall await you In those summerlands of love Although by grief is deep and raw Although my pain is great I know that you are still with me I know that you will wait For in God's time we'll meet again Of this I am quite sure I loved you so much on this earth In absence even more... We talk about them, not because we're stuck or because we haven't moved on, but because we are theirs and they are ours; no passage of time will ever change that. He sings a song of hope and cheer, There's no more pain, no more fear. You'll see him in the clouds above, Hear him whisper words of Love, You'll be together before long, Until then, listen for his song.. Federico Montez Gonzales Jr. 12/22/1967 - 12/5/2017