"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
How long is a typical reading?
I have yet to have a reading that is less than an hour, or more than 3, so the average is about 1.5-2 hours. There is no way of telling how much information the other side will come through with, which is why I changed my rate structure to be open-ended, as the spirit world does not acknowledge our concept of time and space. I want each of my clients to get the most they can from their reading and not feel restricted by time.
Is a phone reading the same or as accurate as an in person reading? If so, how can that be?
Yes, actually in many ways a phone reading is preferred by many. You and I both can be in our own personal spaces where we're comfortable, avoiding traffic and other hassles. Also, there can be no doubt that the reading is tainted by the Medium reading your body language etc. As I said above, the spirit world is not restricted by time and space, so it is possible for them to connect with you and I both simultaneously, in different places. Additionally, a phone reading allows you the option of having your session recorded as well. Ultimately, it is up to you to choose which is more meaningful to you, based on your needs and preferences, as I am happy to schedule in person readings, and love to meet people personally.
Can you contact more than one person?
Yes, I can, the goal for a Medium is to separate the energies and their messages. I feel that you receive the most complete messages if we focus on the primary few that you wish to connect with, as sometimes with too many, their messages can become abbreviated if they are vying for time, or one energy can overshadow a more quiet energy. They realize that for them as well as for me, time is of the essence, as we all have only so much energy for a given session, and some can be pushier than others. I recommend that if there are several you really need to connect with, tobreak it up into different sessions, to get the most from each being. Also, there is only so much you can absorb, knowing this, they may limit their messages.
Can one reading really help, or will I need more to get results?
For most people, 1 reading really does help, and makes a lasting difference. Unless, as I mentioned above, there are several beings you wish to connect with. Also, if you are interested in connecting with your Spirit Guides as well as your loved ones, I like to schedule separate sessions for this. Sometimes your Guides will come through during a normal reading, but most of the time, they want your complete attention. The process to connect with these types of beings is different, so I prefer to do them separately.
Can I ask questions during the reading?
Yes you may. I actually welcome questions after I have shared with you the preliminary information that I have received. I only ask that if I am conveying their messages, please don't interrupt me, and make a note to go back to later. Often, if I am interrupted they go on without me, so it's important that I keep up. This is especially true with Spirit Guides, as they operate from a higher level, and share a lot of information very quickly. I only ask that your question's intention in not to “test” me or prove to yourself that the process is real. It's disrespectful to both your loved one and I, and is a lack of faith in the process which blocks the energy and the process. You will not get the best reading possible until you are more open , and should wait until then to seek a reading.
I’ve heard that Mediums can’t stay connected for very long, how long can you do a reading?
I have been able to do readings for several hours, it just depends on how long the information keeps flowing, and when I get tired. They seem to be able to tell when I need to be done, and will usually begin pulling away when they feel my energy has dropped. I have not had a reading that is less than 1 ½ hour, and sometimes they can last as long as 3 hours.
If I live overseas can you still do a reading for me?
Yes, we will just need to keep in mind time differences when scheduling your session. Also, you will be calling a telephone number in the US, so just keep this in mind.
Should I take notes during my reading? (benefits of notes vs. recording)
You may take notes, or for telephone readings choose to have it recorded. You can also record your in person session yourself, although sometimes their energy can interfere with electronics and it will not work. The benefit of recording versus notes is that it allows you to focus more on what you are hearing that what you are trying to remember to write.
Will you remember the details of my reading if I forget?
I will not likely remember the details of your reading. Being looked after as I am from the other side, I believe that they know I can not possibly carry the weight of all the emotions and information that is shared in my sessions, without it affecting my well being. This why taking notes or recording your session is advisable for your future reference.
How much information should I share when I contact you?
Every Medium operates differently, some want nothing, some want more. I personally want only the name of those you wish to contact. If you give too much, it can interfere with you feeling that the messages and validations are authentic, that it is indeed your loved one. It also helps me to remain objective and keep the messages flowing, and to know that the messages are coming from “them” and not my mind inserting information that you have previously shared. During your reading, I may ask "Does this make sense? Do you understand the information?" that's when I appreciate validation to know that I am on the right track.
Why do most Psychic Mediums say to come to a reading with no expectations?
For many reasons.. It's important to enter your reading with an open mind and no expectations, being grateful for whatever they choose to come through with. I realize this is easier said than done, but is very important if you want to really hear their messages and validations, leaving you with a sense of peace and satisfaction. It is disappointing for all concerned, if you approach your reading thinking that “if it is really them” that they will come through with specific pieces of information, and if they don't, you discount all the other validations that they did choose to come through with. Many times they will come through with those expected messages, but other times they come through with other, equally meaningful validations. In any case, it's to your benefit to remain open to anything. If you aren't, it blocks the natural flow of energy, and can interfere with their efforts as well as mine. None of us understands the reasons why who comes through, when they do, in the way they do. If you really want to connect with The Other Side, you have to let that human part of your thinking go, at least for the duration of your reading, it will also enable you to be more open for future experiences of your own, if you learn to do this in your everyday life. Also, they have “free will” just as we do, so expecting them to “prove” anything to you and having expectations about what you think they should say, (or who should come through) is disrespectful on your part. Just as with God, when connecting with the spiritual realm, your ability to have a certain level of “blind faith” is necessary and beneficial.
"The best & most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."
~Helen Keller

If love could have saved you,
You would have lived forever...
My Beloved's Obituary
Federico Montez Gonzales Jr. "Freddie" crossed over and became truly free on
December 5th, 2017.
He was born in Brownsville Texas on December 22, 1967 to his parents that he is survived by, Fred Gonzales Sr. & Guadalupe Montez Bedford.
Although his life had more than his fair share of difficulties, he touched everyone he met with his charisma, charm and his amazing smile.
Freddie felt blessed to be loved by his family and friends and to live in this amazing place.
In memory of Freddie, live as he did-
Appreciate the overwhelming wonder and beauty of nature. When you see a homeless person, give them money. When you see an animal, pet it. When you see something beautiful, slow down and take a picture of it. When you see someone who is sad, stop and talk to them. When you have a chance to make a child happy, do it. When you see a flower, smell it. When there's work to be done, do it. When you see pretty things, appreciate them. Wake up every day singing. When there's a hamburger, eat it. Watch Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer every year. When you hear music, sing and dance to it. Be happy. Appreciate people, thank them. Be patient with people. If someone is lonely, be there for them. Remember people's birthdays. Show people how much you love them. When people need help, give it to them. Make people feel special, listen, and engage them. Meet people wherever they are on their journeys. Always follow your heart.
Smile, smile, and smile again.
And if you see a helicopter, well...
He is survived by his devoted wife Aliya whom he deeply loved, his step-son Zane who he loved like a brother and his mother-in-law Stephanie who he was a committed, loving caregiver to.
He has a large extended family and many friends who will forever hold a special place in his heart.
He was loved by many and will be remembered by all.
Watch for him in the sunsets and the butterflies, he'll be with us in one form or another, I promise you that.
When I die
Give what’s left of me away
To children
And old men that wait to die.
And if you need to cry,
Cry for your brother
Walking the street beside you
And when you need me,
Put your arms
Around anyone
And give to them
What you need to give to me.
I want to leave you something,
Something better
Than words
Or sounds.
Look for me
In the people I’ve known
Or loved,
And if you cannot give me away,
At least let me live in your eyes
And not on your mind.
You can love me most
By letting
Hands touch hands
By letting
Bodies touch bodies
Love doesn’t die,
People do.
So, when all that’s left of me
Is love,
Give me away..
Alone, I grieve
Quietly, I cry
Alone, I walk
Quietly, I remember
Alone, I wish
Quietly, I endure
Alone, I'll never forget you
Quietly, I Love You..
~Aliya to My Freddie

May the radiance and beauty of their lives never be defined by their death..
"Our goodness is what survives death, and so we cultivate that goodness in ourselves as well as nurture and celebrate the goodness of others around us, continuing to do so when they have passed."
~Sarah Conover

My Love for you will Never cease. You are my missing piece...
It's being without him that I will Never get used to.
..and sometimes, just sometimes, when people say Forever, they mean it...
Through veils of peace may you ascend
To promised planes above
Where comfort shall await you
In those summerlands of love
Although by grief is deep and raw
Although my pain is great
I know that you are still with me
I know that you will wait
For in God's time we'll meet again
Of this I am quite sure
I loved you so much on this earth
In absence even more...
We talk about them, not because we're stuck or because we haven't moved on, but because we are theirs and they are ours; no passage of time will ever change that.
He sings a song of hope and cheer,
There's no more pain, no more fear.
You'll see him in the clouds above,
Hear him whisper words of Love,
You'll be together before long,
Until then, listen for his song..

Federico Montez Gonzales Jr.
12/22/1967 - 12/5/2017